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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Reason to Sing in December

A house of chocolate! My favorite place to visit!

"I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December,
A magnificent thing
And sweet to remember.
'We are nearer to spring
Than we were in September.'
I heard a bird sing
in the dark of December." 
Oliver Herford

I like that little poem! It's a good reminder that spring is only a season away! And guess what? Only 5 months until fawn season!!!!!!! I can hardly wait to once again drive around early morning to catch a glimpse and snap of those baby fawn. But, as for the title of this post, the best reason to sing in December is Christmas! Nothing else compares.
We always have a reason to sing, just not in December, but all year long.

"When I cannot pray, I always sing."
Martin Luther

 The November 23rd devotion in Streams In the Desert, Volume 2, goes well with Luther's quote. It's a good lesson to learn.

"In 2 Chronicles there is a thrilling narrative concerning a battle won through praise. Jehoshaphat was told that a great multitude was coming against him and from across the sea . . . 'We have no might against this great company' Jehoshaphat told the Lord . . . 'neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee.' Not upon the greatness of the difficulty, but upon Him . . . Then, Jehoshaphat appointed singers who should go forth before the army, singing, 'Praise the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever.'"

I've turned to this portion of Scripture many times when I feel overwhelmed and near defeat. Standing before our God and singing His praise is a great way to have victory over the "disasters" of life.

"The aim and final reason for all music should be nothing else but the glory of God and the refreshment of the spirit."
 J. S. Bach

 "Oh, that we could reason less about our troubles, and sing and praise more! . . . We can sing our cares away easier than we can reason them away. Sing in the morning. The birds are the earliest to sing, and birds are more without care than anything else that I know of . . . Sing at evening. Singing is the last thing that robins do. When they have done their daily work; when they have flown their last flight, and picked up their last morsel of food, then on a topmost twig, they sing one song of praise . . . Oh, that we might sing morning and evening, and let song touch song all the way through." Streams in the Desert, Volume 1, May 5 devotion 

There's some chocolate!

We have a reason to sing. God. I believe He hears, and my heart is always helped. With all the beautiful Christmas Carols (not me, of course, the songs), be refreshed and sing!

 "How many walls of difficulty would fall flat were we to simply march around them with shouts of praise? As we compass walls with praise, the Lord has promised to 'compass us about with songs of deliverance.'" Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

 It may be December, but spring is not far away. Let's enjoy this special month with song!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my 35th wedding anniversary on the 14th. Below is the best picture taken of Jerry in years. I'd say we both don't look too bad.

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