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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Just Ordinary People

"Sometimes we Christians exalt the gifts of preaching and leadership and ignore the equally
important gift of caring for people. Not only did Jesus himself carry on a substantial ministry for the sick, but he also said that when we help the needy, we are actually serving him. We certainly care about the spiritual needs of the people we meet, but we must not ignore their physical needs either. The Bible makes no distinction there. Love propels us to help people in any way that we can. So whether you are mopping the brow of a feverish child, driving a neighbor to dialysis, or praying with a friend over a cancer diagnosis, you are showing love to Christ . . . and sharing his love with others." The One Year Women in Christian History devotional, Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

These words caused me to stop and consider the work of God's servants. Many times the common, ordinary person doesn't think what they do is anything great. But God does.

I write notes. Jerry helps where needed. Some of you care for the sick. Others do lawn care, shopping, house work; some cook meals and some drive people to where they need to go.

"God does not so much need people to do extraordinary things as he needs people who do ordinary things extraordinarily well."
William Barclay (1907-1978)

Yes, preaching and leadership is very important, and I faithfully pray for and encourage those in leadership positions. I get a lot of encouragement and motivation from those who are serving in leadership roles. Hearing the Word of God preached inspires my soul. I love those who God has called to preach and teach, encourage and convict. In the end, their just ordinary people too.

Maybe they do get a little more attention. They influence all of God's children to serve with the gifts God has given to them. No gift of service is unimportant. When one heart touches another heart God smiles.

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else."
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

Some of you may write like me. Others call and check up on friends and those who are ill. Some care for children while the parents sit under God's teaching. Some drive a bus to bring the children to church.

Christians cook, clean, do administration work and sew. Some arrange decorations for the church. Some read to those unable to read. Some care for pets. Some wash floors. Some work with the disabled.

"All service ranks the same with God."
Robert Browning (1812-1889)

Ordinary people. Because their heart is alive for Christ, everything they do brings a smile to God's heart.

"When the heart is right, the feet are swift."
Thomas Jefferson, (1743-1826)

So whether you're a preacher, leader, teacher, caregiver, baker, administrator, mower, cleaner, driver or hundreds of other types of service, we're all ordinary people who love God and do our best to serve Him. And we're all needed. All of us. 

Be glad you're an ordinary person. Use the gift(s) God has given you. When I was a new Christian, during a struggling time someone wrote me a note to encourage me. That one note changed my life. And what you do can change a life. We just have to be open to serve the One who changes lives. What a privilege!

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