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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

It Is Good To Remember

This was me when my hair started growing out!
Last week I began going through things downstairs in the hopes of finding lots to give away, some to throw away and rediscover items I hadn't thought about in years. And that's just what happened.

I found the journal I kept when I found out I had cervical cancer. I brought it upstairs and read through it.

It's been five years since I started treatment. I remember this often. I celebrate as each year goes by, and I'm still cancer free. In December I wrote a note to my oncology doctor thanking him for his many years of study and effort to help people like me. I am very grateful for his knowledge and ability that prescribed the correct treatment for my situation.

It was sobering to read through the journal entries.  I read the word "surreal" often. "I don't want to remember this week" was written a few times.

I took the time to write down every name that offered me prayer, visits, gifts and food. I loved reading through the encouraging words I received, and remembering all those who were there to lift me up in prayer and give from their heart to help me.

In April I'll have my last six month checkup with my oncologist. I can return to a normal yearly visit. Jerry and I laughed about that when we were last there because there is a Chick-Fil-A next to the building, and I love their milkshakes! But it's 2 hours away! Up in NW PA, around the small town of Brookville, there are no Chick-Fil-A's. It treat each time we had to go.

I had my own Hope pillow to carry, just like the ones I give to those in need. It took on a different meaning, a more personal meaning, than when I give one.

My friend, Paula, gave me some encouraging words at the beginning. "I know you believe God gives you the words to write in the encouraging notes you send. I believe that too. I also know you keep copies of all the notes you write. God is bringing those words back to you to encourage your heart. Read the notes and let Him bring refreshment to your soul." Thank you, Paula.

Take a moment and consider the gift(s) God          
has given to you in which to serve Him. Could
your heart be encouraged by those gifts when
you go through difficult situations?

Me writing in the early days of my note writing ministry. I'm so thankful for this gift God gave me to serve Him. Proverbs 11:25 was proved to me over and over, "he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."

 I bought myself a lovely mug and called it my "Happy Mug!" I   
smiled every time I picked it up. I still use it today!

Our friend, Diana, gave us a welcome laugh just when we needed one! "Abby and Jo were just a little over one year old at that time, and acted like it! We were trying to find a way to keep them from jumping on me and thought about putting a walker around the ottoman and some plywood on three sides. Diana said, "I know we put our pets in cages, but I haven't heard of putting an adult in a cage! "We decided against the cage for me. The picture below shows them still taking care of me sometime after treatments stopped.

I'm so glad I found this journal. I will now keep it in a special place to remind me of a time when I needed God's Hand upon me and He provided multiple hands to help me. My friend, Carol, said: "His grace has been sufficient for you." Yes! Thank you, Father.

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."
Psalm 71:14

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