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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eavesdropping on Eternity

I like titles. When I took a writing course many years ago I was told titles are everything. They pull you in and shout anticipation to the reader. When I started writing for publication I was always very careful in choosing a title.

So when I read "Eavesdropping on Eternity" it really caught my attention. I found it in Warren Wiersbe's devotion book "Prayer, Praise and Promises: A Daily  Walk Through the Psalms." Jerry introduced me to Wiersbe many years ago and we've read and listened to him numerous times. When I purchased this devotion book I knew I'd found a good one.

Eavesdropping. It's not considered polite or good to eavesdrop, but if you're near others and they're talking loud, well you just can't help hearing what they say. In this October 8 devotion though, Wiersbe shares good news as we eavesdrop on David's words in Psalm 110:1-7:

"The Lord says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" God is talking to Jesus. "What does this Father-Son conversation say to us? . . . It speaks of our Lord's majesty, victory, ministry and security."

"God the Father gave God the Son His majesty . . . Jesus is victorious; He has won every battle . . . Jesus serves us . . . Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us."

That's a good conversation to overhear. This is what Charles Spurgeon writes on verse oneof Psalm 110:

"The LORD said unto thy Lord - - - Jehovah said unto my Adonai: David in spirit heard the solemn voice of Jehovah speaking to the Messiah from of old. What a wonderful intercourse there has been between the Father and the Son! From this secret and intimate communion springs the covenant of grace and all its marvelous arrangements. All the great acts of grace are brought into actual being by the word of God; had he not spoken, there had been no manifestation of Deity to us; but in the beginning was the Word, and from of old there was mysterious fellowship between the Father and his Son Jesus Christ concerning his people and the great contest on their behalf between himself and the power of evil . . . How greatly should we prize the revelation of his private and solemn discourse with the Son, herein made public for the refreshing of his people! Lord, what is man that thou shouldest thus impart thy secrets unto him!"

If you're going to eavesdrop, make sure it's someone you can trust and believe. And there's no better person to eavesdrop on than our Father God, the creator of all things!

Just recently I heard two older women talking about the physical pains of old age. I laughed when I heard one say: "I have A G E." I certainly can agree with that!

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