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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

You're Never Too Old

"God gave us memories that we might have roses in December."
Sir James M. Barrie (1860-1937)

I laughed, with tears in my eyes, as I watched a video this morning on Facebook of an older women going on a motorcycle ride for the very first time. She was laughing and carrying on, and it reminded me of an adventure not too long ago that I fondly remember.

When I was in my 20's I had the opportunity to ride on a motorcycle a number of times. I loved the feel of the ride, the wind on my face and the joy of being outside in the sun. I visited parks, country roads and even the Florida Keys. I have a number of gentlemen to thank for the fun of those adventures.

But back in 2015, after my cancer treatments, there was a man in our church fellowship that rode a cycle, and I asked him if he would take me for a ride to celebrate! He said yes!

I will ever be grateful to this man who took a few minutes out of his day to ride over to our house and take me for a ride. I laughed too. Memories flooded my mind as he carefully rode down some quiet country roads to give me a thrill.

Thank you, Guenther, for helping me relive special memories!
If you'd like to enjoy a laugh you can catch the video at:; or pull up Choppertown on Facebook.

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