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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


 I felt like I was just moseying along like this doe and her fawn.

Now, there's a new one for me. Lazing. I'm not familiar with that word. The dictionary says: "to spend time idly, or in idle relaxation; an act or period of lazing." I was going to say I'd just been lazy this summer, but I think I like lazing better.

"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."
Ovid (43 B.C.-A.D. 17) 

These last three months of June, July and August have been quiet ones for me. It just seemed like I couldn't get anything done. Yes, there was some anxiety and stress mixed in there which may have contributed to my state of mind, and some health concerns, but anyway you look at it, I was lazy.

My cousin Rick said I probably needed the rest. Maybe so. I did do some things. I still went out on my early morning drives watching for wildlife. That is always refreshing.

"Not without design does God write the music of our lives. Be it ours to learn the time, and not be discouraged at the rests."
John Ruskin (1819-1900)

I'll just find me a nice place to lay down and rest for awhile.

I still cleaned the house, well, halfway anyhow. Many years ago I had a magnet that said: "The amount of time you spend housecleaning is directly related to your acceptable level of dirt."

I still cooked meals. I wrote a few posts for my blog. Wrote a few notes. Met with the quilting group twice a month to knot blankets. But, overall, I didn't do much of anything.

I know rest is a good thing for you. As an introvert, resting and solitude are what energizes me. But I can't remember the last time I spent an entire summer not doing much of anything.

"There is no music in a rest, but there is the making of music in it.
John Ruskin (1819-1900)

I'm hoping as we turn into the month of September I will find renewed energy and purpose. But, then again, I am 70 now. Help!

One sunny afternoon on the way home from work, I found this family enjoying a restful break in a horse field.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

You're Never Too Old

"God gave us memories that we might have roses in December."
Sir James M. Barrie (1860-1937)

I laughed, with tears in my eyes, as I watched a video this morning on Facebook of an older women going on a motorcycle ride for the very first time. She was laughing and carrying on, and it reminded me of an adventure not too long ago that I fondly remember.

When I was in my 20's I had the opportunity to ride on a motorcycle a number of times. I loved the feel of the ride, the wind on my face and the joy of being outside in the sun. I visited parks, country roads and even the Florida Keys. I have a number of gentlemen to thank for the fun of those adventures.

But back in 2015, after my cancer treatments, there was a man in our church fellowship that rode a cycle, and I asked him if he would take me for a ride to celebrate! He said yes!

I will ever be grateful to this man who took a few minutes out of his day to ride over to our house and take me for a ride. I laughed too. Memories flooded my mind as he carefully rode down some quiet country roads to give me a thrill.

Thank you, Guenther, for helping me relive special memories!
If you'd like to enjoy a laugh you can catch the video at:; or pull up Choppertown on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Favorite Little Word

 My friend, Cindy, came from Maryland to visit me and brought me these beautiful snowflake hydrangea! They were still damp and had a sweet fragrance. I'm hoping to enjoy them all winter!

I'm thinking about my favorite little word. Hope. And no wonder! For the hope I have is grounded in the truth of God. No other hope can match His ability, His control or His promises.

"Hope, the balm and lifeblood of the soul."
John Armstrong (1709-1779)

I love this little word. I believe the promises it holds. Following are quotes I found interesting on hope:

""Our hope in Christ is surer than anything we can see and experience on this earth, and we arrive at that place through faith . . . Faith is a commitment to walk in the footsteps of Christ, not knowing what lies ahead, but knowing that He is with us, therefore we can take the next step."
Sheila Walsh

"Thank you, God, for the very real hope I have in You. Knowing You in all Your goodness, power, mercy, and love makes the hope I have much more than mere wishful thinking. Hope in You, rooted in Your written Word and in the risen Christ, gives me confidence about life on this earth and about eternal life."Lisa Guest, 100 Favorite Bible Verses"

This is another one of those little surprises that I didn't see until I downloaded it. The happy face of the sunflower was what I snapped. When I pulled up the snap to view it, I found the deer watching me!

 "Hope is more than just a word--it's a state of being. It's a firm belief that even if you don't know how, even if you don't know when, God will come through and better days are ahead. Life sends rain . . . Hope dances in the puddles until the sun comes out again." Rain on Me by Holley Gerth

In the February 28th devotion in Look Unto Me: The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon, the scripture verse is "My hope comes from him." Psalm 62:5. "What a privilege for a believer to be able to say these words! If he is looking for something from this world, it is indeed a poor 'hope.' But if he looks to God to supply his needs, whether they are earthly or spiritual needs, his 'hope' will not be in vain. He may continually make withdrawals from the bank of faith, getting his needs met from the riches of God's loving-kindness. This I know--I would rather have God as my banker than all the Rothschilds put together . . .  "We hope through faith that when our pulse becomes faith and our heart struggles to beat that an angelic messenger will stand over us, looking with loving eyes upon us, and whisper, 'Arise . . . and come with me.'" Song of Songs 2:10 . . .

"If these are your 'hopes,' O my soul'  (Psalm 103:1), then live for God . . . Live with the desire and determination to glorify Him who is your eternal supply and whose grace provided your election, redemption, and calling. And remember -- it is only because of His grace your have any 'hope' of the coming glory."

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1

This young buck visits out back, enjoying the abundance of greenery.

Jim Reimann, Editor, Look Unto Me: "We who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. . . The believers hope is powerful and permanent -- 'an anchor ... firm and secure' -- anchored 'behind the curtain' to the very throne of God!

"The word hope I take for faith; and indeed hope is nothing else but the constancy of faith." 
John Calvin (1509-1564)

This is something you don't want to miss out on. It's real; it's alive, and it's truth. There is no other hope in this world. God is your only Hope. Yes, my favorite little word

"But as for me,  I will always have hope . . ." 
 Psalm 71:14

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Miracle of Patience

"God engineers our circumstances as he did those of his Son; all we have to do is to follow where he places us. The majority of us are busy trying to place ourselves. God alters things while we wait for him."
Oswald Chambers (1874-1917)

As some of you know, back in the 90's I freelanced articles for publication. It was a fun and exciting time for me. Seeing an article I wrote in print was thrilling. Having a favorite magazine publish my work was a dream come true.

I was looking through the articles I've written and found this one: The Miracle of Patience.  I thought I'd share excerpts from it. Hope you enjoy!

"Patience is a word nobody likes. How can we? Everyone knows you don't pray for patience! Laughing at my dictionary's definition of patience--the capacity of calm endurance--I thought 'they must be kidding! Calm endurance?' . . .

"Yet patience is becoming a reality to me. Recently encountering a new trial in my life, I cried:  'I can't believe it's happening again.' But after the initial shock, a startling thought came to mind. My heart was breaking, but I felt strong. 'How can this be?' I wondered. And I knew, this must be the miracle of patience.

Patience is a hard word to learn. It's not like joy, when you bubble over with gladness, or being sad, tears announcing your hurting heart . . . patience is something that's hard to explain but what we have to learn to survive. It's when we must trust God--His timetable and His will . . .

"I had no awareness of the true meaning of patience in the early years of my life. It wasn't until I became a Christian that I came to know patience as a quality . . .

"In my late 20s when I came to know Jesus, I learned patience to mean the ability to trust God with His timetable. My Savior now took care of me. He was in control of my life. . .

"Although I was fairly disciplined in reading the Bible, I determined to spend 30 minutes each morning with God. I yearned for the comfort and hope only He could give me. I used a devotion book and study guide to give me focus as I studied His Word. I didn't know it then, but that discipline early in my faith, was the beginning of my introduction to God's Class 101 in patience . . .

"He filled me with strength to get through each day. Many mornings, through tears, I told God, 'I trust you and I know you will take care of me.' He was always waiting to comfort my heart. And my heartfelt words He honored . . .

"About the time I was getting on my feet from a heavy burden, I received an encouraging note in the mail. My heart was so moved that someone would take the time to write me a note of encouragement that I felt God's call to join in this ministry. It was exciting to touch someone's heart! . . .

"After a few years on smooth ground, I was hit with another burden that broke my heart. My ministry of writing encouraging notes took on a new meaning . . .

"'How can I write encouraging words when my heart is breaking?' I soon realized that the words I found to write to others helped me too, reaffirming the strength I stood on. I still find it amazing though, that my heart breaks and at the same time my faith is strong. Smiling, I consider how I laughed when I read--'the capacity of calm endurance.' As I grow in understanding my God, and establish disciplines in my life to help me during times of trial, I grasp the miracle of patience . . .

"Learning about the nature of God and how He works to bring about His will is an ongoing process. Time is the essence. Just as the other Fruit of the Spirit takes time to internalize and develop in my life, patience is realized as it is played out year after year. I witness that the God I serve is able to overcome all my concerns . . .

"As the years of my faith build one upon another, I find it easy to say with the psalmist, "Be at rest once more, O my soul, For the Lord has been good to you." (116:7)"

It's always fun when I go back and read articles I wrote years earlier. My success rate of publication was 30%. But nothing will equal the very first acceptance letter I received. He gave me the desire of my heart!

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...