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Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Complement of Songs

 This little one is enjoying the heat from the sun as it snuggles on mom.

Back in 1997 I wrote a short article about something I did that helped me during a discouraging time. I was unhappy in my job, and cried on the way to work and home again. One day a thought came to my mind, and "my complement of songs" was born.

"Singing always makes me smile, and I was looking for a smile. Times were hard and my emotions frayed. A laboring trial was working hard to drain my senses. I needed someway to relax, especially while I drove back and forth to my job.

"I've always used that hour drive productively--listening to cassette tapes on spiritual matters, praying and singing with tapes of favorite singers. But I needed something different to help me over this trying period.

 I loved seeing this scene with these new buttercups.

"Taking a pack of 3 x 5 index cards, I wrote the first verse of 40 hymns that I enjoyed on separate cards. I was familiar with most of the words to these hymns--the first verse is always sung in church services. But this way, if I was confused, I'd have the words in front of me.

"As I drove to work, I systematically sang each hymn--the same order each day. Soon, before I flipped the card to the next song, I knew what it would be. And, as several months passed, I found the songs were now in my heart, and I could sing for 45 minutes from memory.

"Since that time several years ago my complement of songs have served me well. They did help me through that particular trial--and several others. But they're not only for trials. At least once a week now, as I drive to my job, I present them to God as my gift of praise.

"My songs pop up all over the place. When I'm on vacation . . . taking a relaxing bubble bath . . . even doing the laundry. I receive joy from my complement of songs wherever I am. And you know what? They make me smile."

 One morning on the way to work I stopped and enjoyed seeing this new family. I took pictures for 40 minutes and got to see the calf stand for the first time. (I think I was late to work, but hey, some things you just have to do!)

It's been more than 20 years I've been singing what I now call "My Melody of Hope." It ranks way up there as one of the best things I've ever done. I had no trouble memorizing these songs like I do with memorizing scripture. And, when you think of it, many hymns are based on scripture..

I tried to publish the article as I had some success back in the 90s being published, but this short article didn't make it. I figured I was promoting reading while driving and that certainly wouldn't go over very big. Yet, somehow, God gave me the ability to memorize these hymns while driving, but I wouldn't suggest doing it in this day and age. Making a tape to listen to would work, or making a special time to sit and sing would work too.

 I'll be driving two hours tomorrow to visit a friend from Maryland passing near my way. I know one of the things I will do will be singing my "Melody of Hope." It's suppose to rain, but there will be sunshine in my car!

There were three horse and foal in the yard, and I enjoyed taking a number of snaps. This one made me laugh when the young one peeked under mother.

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