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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Truth

"Absolute truth belongs to God alone."
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)

I recently purchased Will Graham's first book, Redeemed: Devotions for the Longing Soul. It has 50 short chapters, easy to read, good stories and filled with a lot of wisdom.

One chapter I read recently spoke about God's Word being the Truth. We've heard many sermons and read many books proving God's Word to be the truth, but sometimes, a certain way someone explains it just hits you different. And this one did to me.

It spoke about the time Billy Graham was having a hard time answering the difficult questions when he was just starting out in ministry for God. I was aware of this struggle because we have the DVD on his life: Billy, The Early Years of Billy Graham."

"Truth lies in character. Christ did not simply speak the truth; he was Truth--truth through and through, for truth is a thing not of words, but a life and being."
Frederick William Robertson (1816-1853)

A quote used in this chapter by Billy Graham talked to me: "I pondered the attitude of Christ toward the Scriptures. He loved those sacred writings and quoted from them constantly. Never once did He intimate that they could be wrong."

Billy Graham kept seeing the phrase "Thus sayeth the Lord," as he read through scripture for answers to his doubts. "Those four words finally sparked the realization in his heart that the book he held in his hand was not the work of man, but the divinely inspired, eternal, and powerful voice of God," Will wrote.

"Truth is mightier than eloquence; the spirit is stronger than genius; faith greater than learning."
Martin Luther (1483-1546)

There is so much proof of Jesus' life and ministry from Christians and non believers that His life cannot be ignored. And Jesus believed in the scriptures. He knew they were truth and He depended on them when He was on earth.

I haven't been having any doubts, but reading this devotion story sparked my thoughts, knowing the one I believe in and trust is completely truth. It was one of the aha moments when what you believe is affirmed. Another moment to be thankful, even after 40 years, for my faith and Savior.

Do you read books by God's people? You will be rewarded with encouragement, inspiration and joy reading how God worked in other people's lives. Do you want the Truth? Read on, my friend, read on!

"Old truths are always new to us if they come to us with the smell of heaven upon them."
John Bunyan (1628-1688)

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