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Monday, September 24, 2018

And He Made the Stars Also

"Stars: blessed candles of the night."
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616 

It sounds like an unimportant addition. God made the sun and the moon, and, oh, He made the stars also. Genesis 1:16.

We're studying the first chapters of Genesis in Sunday School. When I first looked through the study book and saw it was on Genesis 1 I thought, "this is going to be boring." Thankfully, there were smarter people than me writing the lessons.

When we got to the creation of the "greater light and lesser light" our teacher made a point of saying, "Oh yeah, he made some stars also," like it was an unimportant statement. And then he recommended a DVD called: The Star of Bethlehem, and encouraged us to watch it. And I'm so glad we did!

Way beyond my human mind, it is an amazing documentary involving the constellations and God's Word and how they line up.

A lawyer and Christian, Rick Larson, was stirred to study the stars when his daughter wanted to put the three wise men in their front yard for a Christmas display. "What about the bright star they followed?" he asked himself. So he began an extensive study of astronomy based on references to stars in God's Word, using "Johannes Kepler's discovery of how the solar system works, improvements in our knowledge of first century history and the spread of computers."

"With software which incorporates Kepler's equations, we can create a computer model of the universe. We can animate the universe in real time at any speed we choose, make months pass in moments or wind back the clock. We can view the sky as it moved over Jerusalem 2000 years ago." Website:

He quoted a number of times from God's Word, and the words matched the sky in the constellations God created. We've watched it twice and will probably watch it a few more times. Another view of the amazing and awesomeness of our creator God.

I'm not even going to try and go into what is explained on this DVD. It is far above my understanding and knowledge. But I was able to understand enough of it to realize the awesomeness of our God and His perfect creation.

If you'd like to see and hear a little more about the stars God made I recommend this DVD: The Star of Bethlehem. 

The first year of our marriage Jerry had a star named after me in honor of Valentine's Day, 1986. I still have the certificate, below, with my name and the location of my star.

And He made the stars also. Just a little thing from the hands of my big God.

"Everywhere I find the signature, the autograph of God."
Joseph Parker, 1830-1902

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