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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Second Chance at Retirement

 The other week I spotted another bear during my early morning drive through the forest. There wasn't much light shining through at 5:45 that morning, so I couldn't get a good snap. But the bear did stop for 4 or 5 seconds and look at me before walking out of sight. It could almost be a painting rather than a picture, but I'm glad I got it!

A second chance at retirement. Yes, its been awhile since I retired in October 2011, but the reality is I was only retired for 10 months. In August 2012 my mother came to live with us because of declining health, and we've been care givers for almost 6 years. It's finally coming to an end.

Next week we'll be moving my mother to Oklahoma to live with my sister and her husband. Jerry and I had to make the decision that we couldn't care for her in our home anymore because of Jerry's health and my emotional and mental burnout. I'm thankful that my sister and her husband stepped up and offered their help. They will be in my prayers as they take on this responsibility.

I've enjoyed looking at the blooms on this Martha Washington Geranium plant. The flowers are gorgeous!

It's been a long 6 years of having someone live with us where relationships were not good. So why did we do it? Because God's Word says children should honor their mother and father. Period. I'm not looking for any accolades here or pats on the back. It's just a fact. Since we try and live according to God's Word, it was a responsibility we had to take.

Honoring your parents doesn't rank high in society today, as I listen to many friends share heartbreak and sadness because of separation with their children. I admit, I don't like my mother, but she is my mother, so I've tried to do what I believe God would have me do in regard to her.

My childhood home was without warmth, hugs, kisses, and expressed love. There was bitterness in the home, with lost hopes. There had never been a loving relationship with my mother, so caring for her was very difficult. I couldn't have done it without Jerry's help. He was the one who stepped up and said she would live with us when the situation arose, and he did all he could to make it easier on me.

This was the reality of an unloving and dysfunctional family.

It may be that I'll never see my mother again. She has a critical heart valve and the days of her life are definitely numbered. I feel sad for her, from what I perceive of her life. I hope the years we gave to care for her will bore some good.  It's always best to do the right thing, even if your heart isn't in it. God will provide a way through, and release you when His timing is right.

So retirement begins anew for me. A weight has been lifted from my heart. I am set free from a weary season of life. Jerry and I can try and find our life together once again.

I'm going to miss my favorite deer spotting place again this year. I never failed to find deer and fawn! Snapping this picture through the fence rail was fun! Mommy Doe wasn't concern at all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I believe with all of my heart that this has not been an easy journey for you. With that said, I thank the Lord He gave you the strength to care for your mother and to be obedient to His Word. I believe that you and Jerry will be abundantly blessed for this. Jerry reminds me so much of David. May the Lord continue to bless both of you and I pray your mother will safely reach heaven's shores.


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