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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Still Celebrating . . .

 The celebration of Easter is over, but I'm still reading words about it in devotionals. I read these words this morning by Charles Spurgeon in his Look Unto Me devotional (Luke 23:26). I thought I'd pass them on.

"Simon's carrying of the cross of Christ is an exact picture of the work of the church throughout time, for the church is the cross-bearer 'behind Jesus.' Mark this down, dear Christian, Jesus did not suffer to keep you from suffering. He bore His cross, not so you could escape it, but so you could endure it. Christ exempts you from sin--not sorrow--so remember that and expect to suffer.

"Yet may we be comforted with this thought, in our case, just as it was in Simon's, it is not our cross but is Christ's cross we carry. Therefore, when you come under attack for your faith or when people mock you cruelly because of your faith,, remember--it is not your cross, it is His. What an honor and a delight it is to carry the cross of our Lord Jesus?

"You carry the cross 'behind Jesus', so you have been blessed with great company, for your path is marked with the footprints of your Lord . . .you bear the cross in partnership with Him . . . we must carry the cross for a little while at most, we 'will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.'" (1 Peter 5:4)

We have been blessed with great company in all things; happiness and sadness, hurt and gladness, suffering and joy. Christ is always with us. He'll never leave us. We are blessed because we are His.

I'm thankful this morning for those in the past and those right now who can share great truths of God's Word. If you've never read about those who have come before us, there are many fine books that share the beauty of a life lived for Christ. And there are countless men and women today who share encouraging and inspiring words.

There is great encouragement in reading about men and women who have lived, and are living for Christ. Here's three that I have enjoyed.

50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the FaithThe Christian History Devotional: 365 Readings and   Prayers to Deepen and   Inspire Your FaithVoices of the Faithful: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World

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