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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A New Season

 I have fulfilled one of my wishes. I've now seen two sightings of bear and was fortunate to get this snap of the second one. The first bear I saw was in the spring on an old hunting road. A mother and two cubs.
Summer is ending. I like summers in NW PA. Most mornings were cool and refreshing. We never reached the 90s, and humidity was seldom.

It's was a summer of pondering about my new life in this new land. It is different, and I've had to readjust and rethink many things. After six months of struggling I now have a refreshed spirit.

It was a joy to find doe and two fawn one early morning recently. One fawn stayed near the road and I was able to get this snap. It was the same morning I got the bear snap. What a thrill!

This blog has been an ongoing weekly journey where I have shared my thoughts and the words of others since my first post on February 19, 2009. As a lover of photography, I've also shared the pictures I've taken of God's marvelous creation. It has been an interesting and fulfilling venture.

I've posted over 400 posts over the eight year experience, and I feel the need to change the number of posts I create. I won't be creating a weekly post anymore. I'm going to strive for once a month.

This road caught my eye one morning and invited me to travel its path. Was a refreshing stroll along a quiet lane in the joy of early morning.

My energy is now going to a new adventure. I've been drawn back to a creative outlet from my earlier years . . . sewing.The desire to make quilted blankets, and pillows of hope to give to others is where I'm being led. I've loved and admired quilts from afar, and most recently have been given a small taste of creating them myself.

My church has a ministry called "Quilt Ladies" and I've been pleased to attend. Quilt blankets are created and given to various nursing homes, children's ministries and sent overseas. So I purchased a sewing machine and I'm learning the skill once again.

 My first sewn seam in over 30 years!

I'm looking at the renewal of long ago sewing skills and learning new steps in this field. It seems like an overwhelming task to undertake, but I plan to be slow and steady. My life Scripture verse is ". . . he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:25) I've accomplished that through the written word, both on this blog and the ministry of writing encouraging notes to others. Now I hope to accomplish this through the making of blankets and pillows to give to others to encourage their hearts.

I've seen an amazing number of turkeys driving around. What a delight to come across this family in the early morning. It was the second time I enjoyed seeing baby turkeys. I had to look up and find out what baby turkeys are called: poult or turkeyling.

Thank you for being a faithful friend to me as I've shared from my heart each week. There are many posts for you to reread that were written to encourage your heart and bring a smile to your day. I hope you will visit frequently to refresh your soul.

Thank you also for the many encouraging remarks you've shared. They truly blessed my heart.

 I came around a bend one morning and was delighted to see this display of the sunrise. My early morning drives refresh and always delight. 

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