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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Small Town Living

This lovely snap from Deb Campbell Wildlife and Nature Photography Facebook page reminds us that Spring has arrived and soon we'll be enjoying the beautiful creation as it awakes from it's winter's sleep.

I'm learning a lot about small town living. The other day a strange man came to our front door. He was elderly. When I opened the door he asked if I was Carol Mc Griffin.

He pulled out an envelope and said, "You sent a note to my wife." I recognized the envelope. I asked him to come in.

He pulled out two pictures from a shopping bag. "I wanted to bring these over so you can see who you wrote too," he said. "I wanted to know who wrote the note. I asked the secretary at church if she knew who it was?"

                      This enjoyable snap is by Pamela Davis. A fun snap of the welcome of Spring!

I've written many a note through my life, but no one has come to my home to see who I was. This is the country. They do things different here.

Jerry arrived home as we were talking, and the man stayed for an hour chatting. He was 80. He said he would come again and sit on the porch for awhile, and I know he will do it.

Things really are different in small towns. I've noticed it repeatedly as I go to town and interact with folks. They appear happier. They tip their hat, say hello or nod their head.

I've had to learn to be more open. To expect a hello. To offer one myself.

Looks like I have a lot to learn about small town living. I hope I can do it justice!

This dreamy snap comes from Peaceful Moments for Women Facebook page. I can just smile and dream away!


My Savoir First of All
Fanny Crosby 1820-1915

"When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide,
When the bright and glorious morning I shall see;
I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side,
And His smile will be the first to welcome me.

Oh, the soul thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face,
And the luster of His kindly beaming eye;
To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home,
But I long to meet my Savior first of all."

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