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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"Falling" Around

" . . . and we all do fade as a leaf . . ." Isaiah 64:6

                                                                  I love the gold!

I borrowed a little time yesterday morning to drive around looking for fall color. It seemed to arrive overnight. I noticed a tree outside our back gate early in the morning and decided it was time!

From Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert 2

"We all do fade as a leaf . . . But how does the leaf in autumn fade? It is true that certain trees renew in their autumn foliage the same color that marked them in their budding time of spring, but with fuller, brighter hues. Nature does not die drably! She puts on her most gorgeous robes in autumn and dies gloriously. She goes down with her gay banners waving, smiles back to us as she leaves us. God speaks to His own comforting messages at all seasons and at all times.

"In Charles Kingsley's last hour he was heard to whisper, 'How beautiful is God.'

"If peace be in the heart The wildest winter storm is filled with beauty
The very trees and stones, all catch a ray of glory If peace be in the heart.

"He gave us the secret of victory. It is the peace of God, passing all understanding that makes all the way long a good journey. 'My peace I give to you.'"

Enjoy the fall scenes!

                               Just a country scene on a country road on a country morning.

This burning bush was quite attractive with the orange and gold behind it. A farm silo got in the snap too.

                                                                      Ah, fall color!

                                       Liked this low to the ground spread of red and orange.

                                         The horses in the far field were an added bonus.

                                                                   Just a nice scene.

 When I first saw this horse it was back in the trees under the color. Couldn't get a snap off quick enough to catch it there.

                                                           How do they do that?

I just might steal some time and go out again! Enjoy the fall beauty!

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