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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why Does It Take So Long?

Last Saturday was my last "fawn spotting" for the season. What a wonderful time I've had this summer. I'm so glad I started doing this my first summer of retirement.

Well, this is certainly an embarrassing post! Sometimes I just have to shake my head at myself and wonder where my brain is.

Why does it take so long to get some things right? You know what I mean. You're doing something a certain way and all of a sudden something changes and you realize you can do it better. "Why didn't I think of that a month a go? A year ago? Many years ago?"

I always shake my head that I didn't think to do whatever it was a different way. And it's happened again. This time it took me five years to get it right. Humble pie.

                                                           Are you sharing, Mom?

Since my retirement five years ago, I've had a difficult time with when to have my devotions. I just couldn't seem to get it right. I now had all day! I tried morning, afternoon and evening, but I haven't felt peaceful about anything I've tried.

Abby and Jo to the rescue. My two little girls (well, at 90 lbs. each I guess they're not little) had a time change in their routine. Ever since my cancer treatments and knee surgeries, their feeding times have been off because of us adjusting our schedule to work for us. My friend urged me to try adjusting their time.

About six weeks ago, I started getting up at 5 in the morning to feed them. (I like to think I'm a farmer and getting up for my cows.) That's when it happened. That "oh yes" moment of remembrance.

Most of my 30+ years as a Christian, the early morning hour before getting ready for work was my devotion time. It was the best time for me to fulfill this delight each day. And I was inspired and encouraged all day! Duh, Carol, why couldn't I remember that!

I had just turned off the car in the cemetery hoping to see the doe and three fawn again, when I saw this doe and fawn in the field. Light was low, but I managed to get a fairly clear snap.

So about four weeks ago I started having my devotions at 5 a.m. And what a wonderful time I've been having. I guess since I retired I felt I could sleep a little later in the mornings. And so I tried everything else but that.

Why do things happen like that? I guess it's just part of living.

I'm just glad God never gives up on us! He patiently waits while we try everything but the right thing. I know He's smiling that I finally got it right!

I like this Jewish Proverb: "Any man who understands his own foolishness is already a little wise."

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