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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

not a fan.

  The beautiful peony is now in bloom. Some of my favorite snaps are below. Enjoy their beauty!

On a serious note . . . a friend gave me the book not a fan. written by Kyle Idleman. I'd never heard of the book or author. The subtitle is: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus. I've now read the prologue and first four chapters. There's no doubt at what the author is saying.

I'm a fan of a lot of things. Hallmark movies. Christian authors, both fiction and nonfiction. Photographers, amateur and professionals. Baby animals. Ice cream. Artists. Longaberger baskets.

These are the things I'm an "enthusiastic admirer" or supporter of. That's the simple definition of a fan. Idleman wants to know if you're a fan or follower of Jesus. He focuses on D.T.R.: Define the Relationship.

If you're a follower, how has your life changed? Have you made any difficult decisions about your life that has cost you? Are your decisions based on His decrees, even if your entire life is changed?

The first example he talks about is Nicodemus and how much it cost him to stand up for Jesus. He could of lost everything. He had a powerful position. It would cost him his source of income and livelihood. It would cost him friendships. The respect of his co-workers. There is always a cost.

I know following Jesus has cost me relationships. It has left me broken hearted and still burdened for those I lost. And yet my conscious is clear for I've chosen what I believe. I've lost a few other things that I was definitely a fan of!

And just who am I? Nobody really. The worst of sinners. Nothing special. Nothing to brag about. A fan or a follower?  At the end of each chapter there is a testimony, written by no one I know. At the end of their testimony, the person writes: "My name is ____________, and I am not a fan. I like that.

I'm looking forward to reading through this "in your face" book. No, I wouldn't have picked it up on my own. But at this stage in my life, when life can be snuffed out in a moment, I think it is good to examine my commitment to Jesus. And this book is giving me opportunity to do just that.

I'm not just a fan of Jesus. I've chosen to live for Him no matter the cost. A follower.

Do you want to be cross examined about your faith? A fan or a follower. not a fan. is for you.

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