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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Fresh Perspective

This tree in my neighbor's yard is gorgeous! I walked over the other evening to get some snaps. She doesn't know what kind of tree it is. Jerry said it gets berries on it in the winter. Whatever it is, it is definitely beautiful! Anyone know?

There was an interesting article in my county newspaper the other week. I already knew what the author wrote about, but it was a good reminder since I'm having my 2nd knee replaced on May 2nd. I will be recovering, once again, and this article helped me prepare my mind.

                                The flowers are full and bright, alive with cheer and color too.

The title of Lois Szymanski's article is "Getting sick can help you to see fresh perspectives." Well, that doesn't sound real interesting. But it can be true. It depends on you.

When I write a note to someone who is going through a recovery period, one of the things I share with them is to immerse themselves in God and enjoy special time with Him as they recover. A time has been appointed for you to rest and be quiet providing the perfect opportunity to seek God's presence.

I enjoyed each snap I took. There were several ways to look at the tree, all providing a unique perspective.

The author suggests practical perspectives such as taking stock of friends and family. You find out who you can count on to help you through. You also discover the joy of small kindnesses, the appreciation of nature, and the complex healing powers of your body.

The small number of days you must live through as your body recovers provides rest, quiet, finding out what you are thankful for, and perhaps, moving your spirit to be more perceptive of fellow family and friends during difficult times.

We all are sick at one time or another. You receive much more when you purposely react in a positive nature and learn what really is important in your life.

I'll miss a few posts while I'm recovering. I hope to return to you refreshed and eager to share with you the beauty of a life that's filled with God's Hope. And I'm looking forward to the day I won't have to use a walker and cane anymore, even though Jerry got me this great ride at the Mount Airy yard sale last Saturday.

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