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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lambs are Springing Up!

                         Come on in and get warm and cuddly with a lamb! Right this way . . .

Lambs are Springing Up. That was the headline in my morning paper last Thursday. They profiled a county farm and 4H projects about lambs. It sent me on a search of sheep and lamb snaps I've taken over the years.

I'd never been around so many lambs in my life! And here they were just basking in the cold March sun.

I just love to snap baby animals. Fawn, calf, geese, lamb, foal, baby birds. I guess it's their innocent faces and purity that draws me to them. And draw me they do!

                               Some were still in their cages because they were soooo new!

I find most of my sheep and lamb snaps in fields--serendipity finds. But 2012 and 2013 I was invited to a sheep pen in New Windsor to take snaps, and what fun! A friend in real estate had recently sold a farm and got permission from the new owners for me to look around. Thank you, Steve! He even got a kiss on the cheek for that!

            Some were yet to be born as this "lady in waiting" could tell you. I just love this snap!

                                     All were relaxed and resting, just enjoying the day.

                        On one of my serendipity finds, this Emu was watching out for the flock.

                        That's him at the bottom of the snap. He wasn't too sure about me.

                                                  His flock felt safe and forgot about me.

                   This field, not too far from home, is a joy to visit during lambing season.

                                                                 Ahhhhh, how sweet.

                                                                     A field of fun!

                                                   There's some black beauties too!

                                              Almost ready to come out to the barnyard!

                                                          And I got to hold one!

                                           These two were having fun exploring the field.

     This little one was in a field by himself. He looked so small sitting there next to the giant tree.

                                    Oh so warm and cozy. Safe and comfortable too!

                             I lost all my hair! The day we were there was shearing day.

            It was so hard just picking a few to share. Memories of serendipity finds. I'm smiling!

I'm not getting out as much as I use too, so having an array of snaps from years gone by brings me much pleasure.

The picture I love best, though, is one I won't see until I'm united with Jesus: the lion and lamb laying down together. That's where I want to be! I like this print by Art Prints sold on Amazon.
Enjoy your day and be on the lookout for lambs!

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