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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Who Are You Thankful For?

      The last of the leaves were down last week, so here's a few snaps in honor of  the beauty of Fall!

My pastor's sermon last Sunday morning reminded me of an annual project I passionately participated in for well over 20 years. Pastor's title was: Who Are You Thankful For? He spoke from the first chapter of Philippians, verses 3-8 where Paul wrote that remarkable line, "I have you in my heart."

Each November I welcomed the beginning of November Joy. I've written about this project a number of times on this blog. I have not been faithful the last few years in doing this, but I present it to you, once again, to decide if you have time for November Joy this month.

Each year, when the calendar turned over to November, I began recalling those people who I had been most thankful for in that year. Then I would write each one a note, telling them what they meant to me. A very worthy project of thanksgiving that truly blessed my heart as I remembered each person.

In this modern day and age, it could be a text, email, call or visit, and a few other means I'm not familiar with yet, that you send to thank someone. I just shared a post from my Facebook site about the Thanksgiving and Christmas season my friend, Judi, shared. Not everyone is from a large, wonderful family. Many of us have sadness in our hearts and are broken. One word from you can change a person's outlook and carry them through Thanksgiving and Christmas, and perhaps, as I have learned, their future life!

We're only a week before the celebration of Thanksgiving with families and friends, but perhaps you have a little time to consider this suggestion. "I have you in my heart." A noteworthy deed!

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