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Thursday, May 14, 2015

What an anchor!


 The allium is a strange flower with its long, tall stem and bud at the top. This one has started opening.

"Anchor yourself to God's Word. No matter what storms arise, His truth always stands firm and prevails. Every form of earthly security may disappoint you, but Scripture will not. It Cannot!  Backed by the awesome power of Almighty God, His promises are fully accomplished and absolutely victorious."  Charles Stanley, Every Day in His Presence

"Backed by the awesome power of Almighty God" caught my eye. What a truth! The quote is from the May 7th devotion, titled Anchored. 1 Kings 8:56 is the verse Stanley was writing about.

There is nothing that compares to the power of Scripture. It's alive. It's truth. It's real.

         You can see the little flowers as the bud continues its opening process-- tiny flowers.

Following are some quotes I perused about Scripture:

"Every Christian must refer always and everywhere to the Scriptures for all his choices, becoming like a child before it, seeking in it the most effective remedy against all his various weaknesses, and not daring to take a step without being illuminated by the divine rays of those words."  Pope John Paul

"However powerful and learned he may be, the Bible always sets man face to face with God, reminding him thus of his frailty and his weakness.  Paul Tournier (1898-1986)

"All things desirable to men are contained in the Bible." Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"There came a time in my life when I doubted the divinity of the Scriptures, and I resolved as a lawyer and a judge I would try the book as I would try anything in the courtroom, taking evidence for and against . It was a long, serious, and profound study; and using the same principles of evidence in this religious matter as I always do in secular matters. I have come to the decision that the Bible is a supernatural book, that it has come from God, and that the only safety for the human race is to follow its teachings."  Salmon P. Chase (1808-1873)

"Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)

"The Bible does not thrill, the Bible nourishes. Give time to the reading of the Bible, and the recreating effect is as real as that of fresh air physically."  Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) 
"I am sorry for men who do not read the Bible every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and the pleasure." Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
"It is not possible ever to exhaust the mind of the Scriptures. It is a well that has no bottom." Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347-407)
                        The allium completely in bloom is a lovely, delicate flower, in bloom now.

"Backed by the awesome power of Almighty God . . ." Now that's an anchor!

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