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Monday, November 24, 2014

A Time for Testimony

A Time for Testimony was the sermon title of my pastor's Sunday message. We're in the book of Revelation, and he was teaching from chapters 10 and 11 about three witnesses: the mighty angel; the two witnesses, and the 24 elders (who represent the saints of all the ages).

The title caught my eye. (There's those titles again!)  A Time for Testimony is very accurate for the week of Thanksgiving and coming Christmas season. As I concluded last week, accepting God's control of your life enables you to be thankful in all things.

Sharing your testimony during these two seasons of thankfulness and hope may not always be easy or accepted well by the hearers, but they provide a seed that can grow and touch the hearts of others. In Matthew 28 we're told to bear witness for our Lord. So whether it's easy or hard, our joy should be so complete that we must tell others about our Lord and God.

So when you gather together and ask the Lord's blessing with your family and friends, I trust your heart will be full and your words will be a testimony of all He's has done for you! And in the
upcoming days, your heart will shout of His goodness for all the world to know!

On Facebook I saw this display of colors. Don't know who created it, but loved seeing the cycle of color from beginning to end on these leaves,

One of my most cherished blessings I will be thanking God for this Thanksgiving are my friends. In John C. Maxwell's  book: The treasure of a friend, these words are shared:

"Warm as a crackling fire, Sweet as hot chocolate, Comforting as a child's embrace. Few things are more precious, Few more cherished, than the value of a genuine friend."

John Oliver Hobbes said: "There are deep sorrows and killing cares in life, but the encouragement and love of friends were given us to make all difficulties bearable."

I think of the happy song, Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done; Count your blessings, name the one by one; Count your MANY blessings, see what God hath done."

Start counting!


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