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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Racking Up the Years

"Yes! Set free, as so beautifully drawn by my friend, Karla Dornacher."

October 14 was an anniversary date for me. Three complete years of retirement. I was "set free" from full-time work outside the home. What have I learned? I'm still trying to slow down.

The discipline of jumping up and running first thing in the morning is hard to break. Oh, I'll always be a morning person, but I don't have to start quite as early. I've been trying to wait until 6:30 to get started. That's a whole half hour longer friends!

     "Jo, looking in the kitchen window, and Abby, looking in the writing room window, trying to get my attention."

Now it doesn't help that the pups are wide awake and playing at 5 a.m. During the summer I would sit outside with them for a spell so Jerry and Mom wouldn't be disturbed. The early morning is quite chilly now--no sitting outside. But thankfully, they do quiet down after they eat at 5:45, and I can read.

                                                  "Uh oh. We're in trouble now."

So today is the first day of my 4th year of being retired. I'm thankful circumstances were such that I could retire after 42 years of working full-time. Do I miss work? No. As my friend, Roy, use to say: "That's why they call it work."

I learned a lot. Experienced a lot. Was exposed to many things over those 42 years. That season of my life is over.

                                "My dahlias are still blooming so I bought these in to enjoy!"

I may have given up some things, but I haven't lost the best thing--the work God has given me to do for Him. That wasn't lost or ended. Now I have more time to do that and other deeds of service I couldn't do before.

Happy anniversary, Carol! The best days are before me. Now that encourages me!

Finally, after waiting all summer, two fawn were up with their Mom last Sunday morning. The second week of August has always been the latest we've had fawns come up, normally seeing them the end of July. I thought I wouldn't see any this year. Our neighbor, below us, told us they'd seen two in their yard in July. I was so thrilled to see them! Better late than never!

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