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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Truth Be Told

       The other day I looked out the window and saw the pups had found shade under our umbrella!  
                                                              (The giraffe is Mom's.)

There are always two sides to every story. And there is about the pups too. Abby and Jo have been with us since February 25th. You've heard stories and seen pictures, and I've exclaimed how good its been to have them. But it hasn't all been fun.

I was the one who wanted two puppies. Jerry did not. Although he has helped me throughout these past four months, which I'm very thankful for, the bulk of the work fell to me. I decided early on to step up to the responsibility.

                                           Found two more light posts dressed up in fine beauty!

Jerry recently told me that he's still frazzled about the pups. He's right. They're not just a handful, their three handfuls! Most of my waking hours are devoted to the care of the pups. I'm always thinking about them and always up and running with them.

As expected, sleep is missed. In these past four months I've lost a lot of sleep. Before the pups I enjoyed 8 to 9 hours of sleep. I've always needed that many hours. I haven't seen anywhere near that since February 25th. So, needless to say, I'm tired a lot.

                                      I like this snap of a clematis in the throes of opening.

Although I've never been one to pack a week full of activity, most of my days since the pups have been devoted to their care, their training, their needs. Where the pups are, I am. Where I am, the pups are.

I'm thankful to say they haven't damaged much of anything in the house. Someone is always with them, or they're inside the crate. I'm also thankful that they love their crate! The door is kept open all the time now, and they go in and lay down often. When Mom comes out of her room, the dogs go in the crate. They rarely complain about being put in the crate or the kennel outside.

                        I like this bush, a variety of hydrangea. The little white flowers are tiny.

Both the pups are walking well on a leash, but my arms have seen better days. At 50+ pounds each now, it takes all I've got to keep them in line. There I go down the back lane with one cane and one pup. But they're excited to go! Jerry is unable to walk that much so that's a heavy responsibility on me.

Sam is still uneasy with them. If one pup comes up and is quiet, Sam does ok. But when two puppies come up and want to play and lick her face, she let's them know quickly she's not happy. So we can't have them together in the same room. At 10 years old, Sam was already spending a lot of time in the bedroom, so that's one consolation at having her there so much of the time now. She will go into Mom's room and stay with her. A 41" high door gate has been ordered for Mom's doorway, as the pups continue to grow.

                                  I enjoyed watching the men build the gates on our new fence.

My body has never seen so many bruises. It doesn't take much for a heavy paw to leave its mark. And my eyes are always looking down when I walk so that I don't trip. There have been a few falls, but, thankfully, not bad ones.

Yes, having two puppies has been quite an experience. It hasn't been easy, and I know there's a lot more to go. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. I like laughing. I like being loved. I like being appreciated. And I like them cuddling up when they sleep. Abby and Jo sure do that!

Sure wish I could sleep as easy as they do!

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