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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Word

Recently my friend, Karla, asked her Facebook friends what their "word" for 2014 is. I haven't been one to choose a word to focus on during the year, but I gave it some thought and one word kept coming to my mind: anticipate. My thinking for this word is twofold: anticipate the needs of others, and anticipate God's direction in my life.

While reading Week 32 in Angela Thomas' devotion book Choosing Joy, I was reminded of scripture which will help me as I pursue anticipating the needs of others: "If you have any encouragment from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also the the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus."  Philippians 2:1-5.

This also is in line with my "call back" suggestion in last week's post. Anticipating the needs of others and telling other's how God has seen me through difficult times are heavy responsibilities.

Angela's book has been the focus in my Sunday School class since last April. Each week my teachers, Pam, Paula and Helen, take the next chapter on "Joy" and provide insight words and inspiration from their study on choosing joy. It has been a wonderful series of lessons!

Angela says: "It's a proven fact: if you are empty of joy, serve someone else. Serve with all of your heart. Serve for no othe reason than to be like Jesus to them. In your service, you've chosen joy." Anticipating the needs of others provides the opportunity to give God's joy to the heart of others.

My other goal of anticipating God's direction in my life and being open to it is a little more difficult. One has to really keep their eyes open, the ears listening and their mind in His Word to be open to hearing His call. The number 14 is a special one for me. I was born on the 14th, saved on the 14th, married on the 14th and retired on the 14th. The date wasn't intentionally chosen by me for any of these events, but rather just fell onto that particular date. Now we're headed into 2014.

I'd already started thinking the year will be something special, but rather in a negative mindset. Maybe I'll die in 2014. What is left of the major happenings in one's life? But the more I thought about it, I decided it could just as well be something very special, so I've decided to open my heart to a positive line of thinking and see what God has planned.

Yes, "anticipate" is a good word for the year 2014.

Some snaps from Lancaster; a sheep and lamb snapped early one icy morning; winter scenes, and a February sunrise that I played with.

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