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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marvelous Minis . . .

That's what the newspaper title said . . . "Marvelous Minis." The article was about a miniature horse farm just south of Westminster. They were having an "open barn" day so we decided to go.

I'd taken my daughter, Sandy, many years ago to see the miniature horses near Gettysburg. They put on a show inside their arena and it was fun to watch the little guys.

This small farm was far off the main road, not visible in your daily travels. It was a beautiful, sunny morning . . . just the kind of day you'd like being outside.When we pulled up to the farm the first miniature horse I saw was grazing not far from its foal. I quickly jumped out of the truck to take a few snaps while Jerry and Mom parked the truck.

We were told miniature horses were bred in France for the mines. But here in the United States they are mainly pets. They thrive on attention and care and make excellent pets. Miniature horses shed twice per year, once in the spring as they lose their winter coats, and again in the fall as their winter coat grows in.

There were three Moms and babies in the field. We enjoyed watching them running around, rolling over and playing in the water. The little one below loved to put his paw in the bucket and splash!

All three of the foals came over and enjoyed drinks of water. Best buddies it looks like!

Even Mom enjoyed seeing them! She had a few nibbles on her pocket as she watched.

We were there about an hour just enjoying hearing about the horses and watching them in the field.

Valhalla Horse Farm is in Smallwood. The newspaper article said they're one of the largest miniature horse breeders on the East Coast today. They take the minis to visit in nursing homes, horse fairs and public events. If you're in town and would like to see these minis, there will be another open barn September 28th and November 30th.

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