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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Last Will and Testament

The April 14th devotion in The One Year Christian History devotional is titled He Served a Good Master." It shared Andrew Duncan's will, dated April 14, 1626. It certainly is a lot different from the wills we write today! Following are excerpts:

"I, Andrew Duncan, . . . set down the declaration of my latter will, concerning these things, which God has lent me in this world; in manner following, -- First, as touching myself, body and soul I leave to Christ Jesus, who gave it, and when it was lost, redeemed it, that He may send His holy angels to transport it to the bosom of Abraham, there to enjoy all happiness and contentment; and as for this frail body, I commend it to the grave, there to sleep and rest, as in a sweet bed, until the day of refreshment, when it shall be reunited to the soul, and shall be set down at the table with the holy patriarchs, prophets, and apostles; yea, shall be placed on the throne with Christ, and get the crown of glory on my head . . . As concerning my temporal goods, the baggage and blathrie of the  earth, as I have gotten them in the world off God's liveral hand, so I leave them behind me in the world; giving most humble and hearty thanks unto my heavenly Father for so long and comfortable loan of the same."

Duncan was a Presbyterian minister in Scotland in the 1600s. He saw many hardships: being arrested for defying the king; imprisoned multiply times, and banished to France. Duncan saw simple examples of God's care over him and his family such as when a stranger came to his house and gave him a sack of food, after he prayed and told his family that God would provide food for them to eat.

I enjoy reading words such as these and learning how Christians in the past openly and honestly beheld their Savior and spoke it!

The snap above is on the mountain top in Cacapon, WV. One of my excursions while at a ladies retreat last weekend. Below is an early morning doe making her way through the misty field near the lodge.

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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...