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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Eclairs, birdhouses, art, homemade cards and cherries!

My February 13th post was about my first attempt at baking chocolate eclairs. As you can see by the picture above, my second attempt with a different recipe was much better! Not perfect, but delicious. I won't be afraid to make these yummy treats again. The third attempt should be fully acceptable!

For my March birthday I purchased a bird house and butterfly house for my two gardens. My friend, Karla Dornacher, in her book "Down a Garden Path," drew a beautiful garden scene, with different parts of the scene highlighted throughout the book. One of the scenes has three birdhouses at a white fence with sunflowers and morning glories. Near one of  the bird houses is a sign which reads: God lives here. I've always loved that part of the picture. My church birdhouse will also have a sign with those words. It's ordered, and I'm waiting patiently for the package!

One of my favorite pictures is from the art of Mary Englebreit. I love the above quote from W. S. Gilbert. Two of my friends, Kathy Kreyling and Gail Noda bring laughter into my life. Mary's art of two friends laughing certainly go with this quote. Thank you Kathy and Gail!

Another quote I enjoy and the art to go with it is above. Some might think this is what retirement is all about. Well, as a veteren retiree, with one year under my belt, I tell you it isn't! It has definitely taken me a full year to feel rested, unpressured and serene. This second year I'm not feeling like I have to have a full agenda and busy day to be important or satisfied. I keep busy as I want to and allow myself restful times of leisure.

In the March Country Extra magazine, I found the following quote by Richard Gustafson, "When asked how I spend my free time, I say, 'Retirement is like a barn. You can fill it full as you want, or just leave it empty.'" With my photography, card creating, working occasionally at the church office, writing and baking, I'm enjoying this season of my life, and thank God for the opportunity to be retired!

At my breakfast date last Saturday morning, Cheryl brought happy yellow daisies for our centerpiece. I was to take them home for my March birthday. She also handmade this cute card for me. This isn't the first card she's handmade for me. When I talk about note writing, her cards are on my display table. What a lovely creative way to bring a smile to others! I love her homemade cards! Thanks, Cheryl.

And my friend, Kathy, who was also at that breakfast, surprised me with a giant jar of cherries! She knows how much I enjoy my cherry muffins and found this 4 lb 10 oz jar! Yum! Yum! Thanks, Kathy! What a treat to have loving friends to get together with!

I leave you with this quote! "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."  Abraham Lincoln.

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