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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Annual Treat

As some of you know, I am hooked on Longaberger baskets. I was introduced to them back in '87 when I attended my first show. Since then I have faithfully enjoyed collecting their baskets.

Every year in December my consultant holds an open house and it has become my tradition to attend and purchase a basket just for me. It's a yearly treat I look forward too. That's Beth, my consultant, above, and her mother, Fran, where the delicious meal is laid out for guests.

Beth sets up the baskets and other goodies in her garage, where a heater keeps it nice and cozy.

Longaberger baskets are hand made at their Homestead in Ohio. Jerry and I have been there twice, and we both made our own baskets.. I also enjoyed a bus trip with my friend, Carol B, to the Homestead.

I use my baskets for decoration and storing. Many of my note cards sit in baskets in my writing room. Larger baskets hold books and teddy bears in the living room. Others just sit out for me to enjoy looking at.

These baskets with the red-lined liners are from the sweetheart collection. Jerry actually surprised me one year with one!

Longaberger also has pottery, and I've enjoyed purchasing pieces for my home. Jerry loves them too!

You gotta love these baskets because their rather pricey. Each year I start a "basket" envelope where every month I put ten or twenty dollars in it. At the end of the year, I can reward myself with a new basket!

I love them and delight that they're hand made in the USA. In recent years they began having glassware and a few other items made overseas, but just a few months ago the company made the decision to have all their products made in the USA.

For many years now the Longaberger company has made Horizon of Hope baskets in July to help raise money for breast cancer research. I have several of the "hope" baskets, and when I was working I was able to purchase some to give to others that needed a little hope.

I also purchased the material which has the word "hope" in its design. With the help of my friend, Gail, I made pillows which I now send to those people who need a little hope. My notes tell them the heart is filled with God's love.

In earlier years you could only purchase baskets through home shows. Now you can purchase their products online.

My selection this year: the crescent basket! I love the red, green and rust pattern of the liner.

I'm almost up to 100 baskets and they all have different functions in my home. My purchases have slowed down with the arrival of retirement. But my Christmas treat will always be a special joy just for me!

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