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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Church Office

The past three weeks I worked in the church office where I worship, while the secretary was out having surgery and recuperating. It brought back a lot of memories. It was back in 1993 when I was called to my home church, Montrose Baptist, in Rockville, to full-time work as a secretary.

I never thought I'd be able to work in a church office because of my divorce. As a new Christian, I remember walking down the hallway at Montrose feeling sad that I couldn't have that opportunity. Some 15 years later it became a reality.

The three years I worked at Montrose were a learning experience. It was a busy office just like any other, but the thing I wasn't prepared for was dealing with problems like any other office. Which meant, things didn't always go as I  hoped they would in an office of faith. You would expect things to be different in an office full of Christian people, but that sinful  human nature is always there.

Even so, it was a joy to be around my home church pastor, Robert Crowley, who passed away last year. I credit him with the incredible understanding and knowledge I have regarding the scriptures and Christian faith. He also was a father figure for me, as my earthly father was unable to provide a normal growing up experience because of his alcoholism.

Those three years prepared me for the 16 years I worked at the state convention. Pesonalities, habits, egos were there too (mine included). Yet in the state office I was pleased to be around a number of wise and caring people. I was the fortunate one, learning from people who had been Christians much longer than I. My hands number many friends I took away from that job.

These last three weeks in the church office were a test to my ability to still learn. The announcements and sermon outline for Sunday services are typed in the program, Media Shout. What a challenge! Never having heard of this program before, I managed to complete the tasks each week, with a little trepidation.

With Mom's illness, the three weeks came at a bad time. Weary was I going back and forth each day from Rockville to Mt. Airy back to Rockville for the night. I'm so thankful I was allowed to work 9 to Noon instead of  the normal office hours til 3. I made it through ok, with gained experience in another office environment.

 I'm thankful that I can use my administrative skills to help others. I love my present pastor, Michael Trammell, as I do Robert Crowley . I feel the same respect and admiration for him as I did for Pastor Crowley. He stands tall and faithful, imparting truth, and I continue to learn about God's Word.

These two men have been treasures in my life. I admire their integrity and will forever be influenced by their walk of faith.

Three weeks seemed like forever as I went to the office each day. Ah . . . I'm retired once again!

I finally snapped the fawn coming up to our gate with two buck. In the top snap, Mr. Buck took a bite of my sunflower. The middle snap found the fawn investigating the buck. I just missed their noses touching. In the third snap, the fawn is with tweezers (Jerry's name for him since his antlers just about come together.

I do love my deer! And Mr. Buck can eat my sunflowers any time he wants too!

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