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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inside Outside

Some bunny's hiding . . .

I'm an inside person. I'd rather be inside to read . . . to write . . . to listen to music . . . to do just about anything. But over the years I've learned to enjoy the outside.

A devotion by Charles Spurgeon recently reminded me of the joy of outside. The scripture verse he was teaching on is Genesis 24:63: "[Isaac] went out to the field one evening to meditate."

"He chose the time when sunset is drawing its veil over the day, the perfect time for calming the soul and allowing earthborn cares to yield the soul and allowing earthborn cares to yield to the joys of heavenly communion. The glory of the setting sun and the solemnity of approaching night awaken our sense of wonder and awe."

Sitting outside at sunrise and sunset are indeed enjoyable experiences. I'm learning to do it more often.

Continuing, Spurgeon said: "We would all know more, live closer to God, and mature in grace more if we spent more time alone in meditation. Thus, when Jesus is the focus of our meditation, it is indeed satisfying and useful.

"In the outdoors we see numerous things upon which to meditate, from tall cedars to small hyssop plants, from soaring eagles above to chirping grasshoppers below, and from the blue expanse of heaven to a drop of dew."

We all have our own tendencies. I will probably always be an inside person. But I'm not too old that I can't learn (as recently found out in the church office) a new thing. So I'll look a little more closely at the benefit of being outside. And now, I have my garden to draw me outside, which opened up a new world for me.

Jerry found this baby rabbit and called me out with my camera. It was alone. It was just a little thing. One thing for sure . . . I wouldn't have snapped it inside!

Living with Mom

Several weeks ago my post titled, "Soul Searching" told about my decision to be a wife and daughter in this season of my life. God always amazes me (although He shouldn't by now) how He provides the guidance and direction right when we need it. I wrote "Soul Searching" before Mom got sick and went into the hospital.

God had already changed my mind, attitude and heart so that I would be ready to help Mom. She's been in the hospital twice, and had a tiring stay at a rehab facility, but she's now home . . . with us. We've been clearing out a bedroom and moving items from her home to ours so that she'll be as comfortable as possible.

The most amazing thing about this is she has agreed with no struggle. I think this incident (c-diff) took so much out of her she realizes she can not live by herself anymore. That sure made things easier to accomplish what is best for Mom.

Jerry is smiling as cable is now in home because there are several programs Mom enjoys watching. Jerry is smiling because it means he can now watch NASCAR on Sundays! We've been mighty slow at obtaining new advancements electronically. Cell phones, internet and now cable.

My sister, Kathy, will be coming home next month as we make plans to empty Mom's house and prepare it for market next spring. Even though I saw Kathy in April (she lives in Oklahoma), it will be wonderful to have her here again. Jerry, and David, Kathy's husband, are already pondering what they want to do.

This season of my life will be very different. I know all things are possible through Christ, who I serve. I'm so glad God prepares us as our lives change and we enter into new seasons.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Church Office

The past three weeks I worked in the church office where I worship, while the secretary was out having surgery and recuperating. It brought back a lot of memories. It was back in 1993 when I was called to my home church, Montrose Baptist, in Rockville, to full-time work as a secretary.

I never thought I'd be able to work in a church office because of my divorce. As a new Christian, I remember walking down the hallway at Montrose feeling sad that I couldn't have that opportunity. Some 15 years later it became a reality.

The three years I worked at Montrose were a learning experience. It was a busy office just like any other, but the thing I wasn't prepared for was dealing with problems like any other office. Which meant, things didn't always go as I  hoped they would in an office of faith. You would expect things to be different in an office full of Christian people, but that sinful  human nature is always there.

Even so, it was a joy to be around my home church pastor, Robert Crowley, who passed away last year. I credit him with the incredible understanding and knowledge I have regarding the scriptures and Christian faith. He also was a father figure for me, as my earthly father was unable to provide a normal growing up experience because of his alcoholism.

Those three years prepared me for the 16 years I worked at the state convention. Pesonalities, habits, egos were there too (mine included). Yet in the state office I was pleased to be around a number of wise and caring people. I was the fortunate one, learning from people who had been Christians much longer than I. My hands number many friends I took away from that job.

These last three weeks in the church office were a test to my ability to still learn. The announcements and sermon outline for Sunday services are typed in the program, Media Shout. What a challenge! Never having heard of this program before, I managed to complete the tasks each week, with a little trepidation.

With Mom's illness, the three weeks came at a bad time. Weary was I going back and forth each day from Rockville to Mt. Airy back to Rockville for the night. I'm so thankful I was allowed to work 9 to Noon instead of  the normal office hours til 3. I made it through ok, with gained experience in another office environment.

 I'm thankful that I can use my administrative skills to help others. I love my present pastor, Michael Trammell, as I do Robert Crowley . I feel the same respect and admiration for him as I did for Pastor Crowley. He stands tall and faithful, imparting truth, and I continue to learn about God's Word.

These two men have been treasures in my life. I admire their integrity and will forever be influenced by their walk of faith.

Three weeks seemed like forever as I went to the office each day. Ah . . . I'm retired once again!

I finally snapped the fawn coming up to our gate with two buck. In the top snap, Mr. Buck took a bite of my sunflower. The middle snap found the fawn investigating the buck. I just missed their noses touching. In the third snap, the fawn is with tweezers (Jerry's name for him since his antlers just about come together.

I do love my deer! And Mr. Buck can eat my sunflowers any time he wants too!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Morning Glory Morning

My very first morning glory bloom! What a thrill. I didn't think I'd get a bloom until next year. It's growing well, climbing, and now the first bloom! I've so admired seeing morning glories as I drove back and forth to work. "Someday I'm going to have one!" I said. Now I do.

I also snapped the dahlia flowers. They're just tiny little blooms but so pretty. I especially like the yellow one below. And the bright and happy marigolds are such a joy to look at. They seem to be inviting everyone in. Attached a little further down.

Most everything I bought is doing well. My sister-in-law Bobbie shared a little saying with me about perennials: "First year they sleep; second year they creep, third year they leap!"

With going back and forth each day to Rockville, I haven't had time to pull up the grass around the extended end of the garden. There's a lovely anise hyssop, oriental fountain grass, black-eyes susan and hydrangia. Jerry purchased some pine bark, laid down some plastic around the plants, and covered it with the bark. It looks real nice and now I don't have to pull up the grass!

We took down another huge shrub on the other side of the driveway, across from the garden. Can you believe it, I'm going to create another garden next spring!
Here's an updated snap of my garden. You can just see the purple from the anise hyssop top left. Arn't those yellow marigolds bright!

The other day I was admiring my very first sunflower bloom. I soon had camera in hand and was taking some snaps of it. After about 30 seconds I noticed a young buck standing on the hill watching me. I decided to get him in the snap. You can just make him out, standing straight and tall, about 10 o'clock off the bloom.

I've also been admiring other gardens between Mt. Airy and Rockville. Here are two I've enjoyed seeing!

"I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses, and the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses." Now why did it take me 63 years to dig my hands in dirt! I've surely missed some amazing joy through the years. I'm relishing it now!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Finally A Snap!

I've been waiting since the middle of June to find a doe and fawn. I'd seen them two different times while out riding around, but never when I could stop and snap. For one who loves seeing fawns, I was getting a little stressed about it!

With Mom being in rehab, I've been spending nights at her home in Rockville. So my days are filled with plenty of driving up to Mt. Airy and back down to Rockville each day. The other afternoon I detoured and went to Lake Needwood, about 15 minutes from Mom's. Not far from the entrance I came upon a field and said: "What a great spot for deer"!

The next morning I arrived there about 7 and there were three deer in the field. They weren't bothered by me, so I got to take some snaps before moving on to Mt. Airy. What a surprise and delight when I downloaded the pictures and saw they were two fawns and a doe. They were just too far away for me to see them. I finally got my fawns!

I'll be stopping by there now each morning on my way up to Mt. Airy. Wouldn't want to miss another photo opportunity!

I also was able to snap the one fawn we've seen out back. It came up with two bucks the other day. I came out the front door and was able to go a third of the way down the fence. Didn't get any good snaps, but I'll enjoy the memory! (Snaps below)

This is the second year we've had more bucks than does. How I long for another season of triplets to enjoy! Perhaps one day the does will be back and I can enjoy their babies!
My Sam is a little out of sorts. I guess all the coming and going is upsetting her. It's hard on all of us. I'll have to give her some extra loving today!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...