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Monday, July 23, 2012

What Matters

The other morning, while reading in George Beverly Shea's book: "How Sweet the Sound," he considered the song, "These Are the Things That Matter." The author, Arthur Smith, 1951, wrote the words when their son was born.

"A heart that's concerned for a fellow man,
An ear that will hear and will understand;
An eye that will look for the best in a man;
These are the things that matter.

"To know that this life is for such a short time,
And to know there's a God and to know He's divine;
To know that He walks beside you all the time;
These are the things that matter."

In the same flavor as my recent post, "Soul Searching," this song has prompted me to consider what I believe matters. It will be different for each of us.

For my life the first thing that really matters is that I consistently live for and love God with all my heart. As it says in Mark 12:28: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

The second most important thing that matters is that my family members are saved by God's grace. I will pray for this until the day I go to my heavenly home.

The third thing most important in my life is that I do what God has gifted me to do.

There truly is nothing else that really matters in my life. If I do these things I will live the life God created me for and everything else will fall into place according to His plan.

Big Boy is coming in each evening to get some loving. After 15 or 20 minutes, he lays down on the afghan and enjoys a nap before heading outside for the night. What a life!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Loving Big Boy

Last Friday I began staying at my Mom's home, in Rockville, while she was in the hospital. A neighbor had been caring for her cat, so I was able to stay in Mt. Airy. Friday, the neighbor went on vacation, so I found myself at Mom's for a week.

The first evening I was there, I went to the door to see if her cat, Big Boy, was ready to come in. The above snap is what I found. I think Big Boy is telling me, "Do you mind?

Finally, the third evening I was there, Big Boy decided I was worthy to give him some loving. There's just something soothing when a cat purrs. I'm enjoying that part of my animal sitting.

He liked an afghan I pulled out of the closet. Mom is now in a rehab facility. It has been decided that Big Boy will go live with one of Mom's friends. Mom just won't be able to give it the care that is needed when she comes home. We'll miss Big Boy.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Soul Searching

A new season has begun, and I don't mean summer. A new season in my life. June brought soul searching to my spirit.

Dreams do come true . . . my earliest dream was to be a secretary; God gave me that privilege . . . I dreamed of being a published author; God let several freelance works be published . . . I dreamed of writing a book; God fulfilled this dream . . . I dreamed of retiring; God allowed this opportunity . . . I dreamed of my book being published; God fulfilled this dream.

I've spent the last six months since my retirement experiencing the promotion of my book--a book signing, newspaper article, radio interview, and a table at a national event. Each one has been an experience I'm thankful for.

But that time is over. I want to move on. I've had a taste of being free to help others. I'm giving time to work in the church office as a backup for the secretary. I'm still creating a new post weekly on my blog.

The only unfulfilled dream I have is seeing a wild bear. Don't laugh. I'm serious. Twenty years ago, while in Colorado visiting a friend, I saw a wild bear while riding the tram up to Pikes Peak. It was very far away, and running in the opposite direction, so I really didn't have an opportunity to enjoy its presence. I long to see a bear in its natural environment, with camera in hand.

My mind has slowed down enough to say I don't need to be creating, producing, and doing just to feel accepted and worthy . . . there are more important things.

This is letting go of my own desires and helping others fulfill theirs. This is not pleasing myself all the time, but pleasing someone else. It's been a long time in coming.

God has now directed my thoughts to a different area. The other week it came to mind--I can be a wife. I can what? I can be a wife.

Of course, I've been a wife for 26 years . . . a wife and a hundred other things at the same time. Although my life has been relatively simple, I now do not have multitudes of things clamering for my time. June slowed me down to a new awareness of what is important in my life. And God directed my thoughts to being a wife. Helping Jerry (who is much older than me, of course), during this new season in my life.

I can also be a daughter. Yes, I've been a daughter for 63 years, but the need is obvious, now more than ever. Mom's health has been declining for six years now. Stubbingly independent, she thrives on not needing anyone. But, the time has come. In these later years of her life, turning 89 next month, she is beginning to be afraid. Our relationship has never been a loving one, so this will be a difficult season for me.

Yes, I believe God wants me to concentrate my time as a wife and daughter. This will be an interesting new direction.

The above snap was taken a few years ago and is one of my favorites. I'm still looking for my first fawn this year.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...