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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blueberry's Galore!

One of the things I want to do in my retirement years is bake more. I had gotten out of the practice of home-cooked meals that I enjoy. The freezer use to be full with homemade lasagna, herb stew, chicken/broccoli casserole, ham and bean chowder and other delicious meals.

Of course, I never stopped baking my chocolate chip coffee cake, but it was time to revisit and learn about other recipes.

One of my first new homemade items was lemon muffins. Jerry loved them, but they just didn't taste as good as Harris Teeter muffins to me. Next I tried a new recipe for blueberry muffins for Jerry and was overwhelmed at the positive response! He was beside himself because they were so delicious! I've baked blueberry muffins a number of times now.

Well, age got in the picture. I mixed up a batch the other day, but forgot to measure how many blueberries to put in the recipe. I just dumped the entire box in! It wasn't until Jerry ate the first one and he exploded!

"These are incredible! he said. Don't ever measure blueberries again!

The light went on! Let's see, where's that extra bag of chocolate chips. I can't wait to taste my next coffee cake!

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