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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blueberry's Galore!

One of the things I want to do in my retirement years is bake more. I had gotten out of the practice of home-cooked meals that I enjoy. The freezer use to be full with homemade lasagna, herb stew, chicken/broccoli casserole, ham and bean chowder and other delicious meals.

Of course, I never stopped baking my chocolate chip coffee cake, but it was time to revisit and learn about other recipes.

One of my first new homemade items was lemon muffins. Jerry loved them, but they just didn't taste as good as Harris Teeter muffins to me. Next I tried a new recipe for blueberry muffins for Jerry and was overwhelmed at the positive response! He was beside himself because they were so delicious! I've baked blueberry muffins a number of times now.

Well, age got in the picture. I mixed up a batch the other day, but forgot to measure how many blueberries to put in the recipe. I just dumped the entire box in! It wasn't until Jerry ate the first one and he exploded!

"These are incredible! he said. Don't ever measure blueberries again!

The light went on! Let's see, where's that extra bag of chocolate chips. I can't wait to taste my next coffee cake!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dr. Valentine

In the February 14th devotion in Amazing Grace, it tell us that a man by the name of Valentine, a Christian doctor, went around doing good deeds wherever he could. He became a good friend and helper to the Christians, who were being persecuted by the cruel powers of the Roman Empire. Dr. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th. This day was observed for his honor by the early Christians.

His deeds of kindness were soon forgotten, but since February was near the beginning of spring, it became a secular holiday celebrating romantic love. Which brings us to Valentine's day today

For many years now, I've found my heart is cheered by remembering widows and single women, as well as married women, with a special card to show my appreciation for them. It's gotten a little expensive sending out 40 cards each February, but my heart couldn't stop if I wanted it too.

Cheering the hearts of others is a special feeling that I don't want to miss. Are there women in your life whose heart would be cheered if you remembered them with a card?

The hymn associated with this devotion is "I Love Thee." The first verse is very familiar to most of us:

"I Love Thee, my Savior, I love Thee, my Lord; I love Thee, my Savior, I love Thee, my God: I love Thee, I love Thee, and that Thou doest know; but how much I love Thee my actions will show."

Why don't you remember someone today whose heart would be cheered. I'm sure Dr. Valentine would be greatly honored!

The lovely flowers shared are from my Valentine bouquet which Jerry let me select yesterday.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Light in the Clouds

I've written before about the time I was in an airplace, taking off in a storm. Although everything looked dark and dreary, when we passed through the clouds the sun was shining bright. I always remember that experience when things get me down, and I can't seem to see the light.

I recently enjoyed a devotion in the book "Unto The Hills" by Billy Graham. The titled is: "Behind the Clouds," and it reminded me of my experience. He speaks of his home on a mountain top where often he can see the clouds in the valley below. While he enjoys beautiful sunlight and clear skies, he observes thunderstorms and lightning flashes, and thunder roaring--all far below where he sits on the top of the mountain.

Clouds are mentioned in the Bible many times. God spoke to His people through a cloud. He called Moses 'out of the midst of the cloud', Exodus 24:16, and His 'glory appeared in a cloud.' Exodus 16:10 The scripture verse associated with the devotion is: "Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds." Psalm 36:5

Charles Kingsley said: "No cloud across the sun but passes at the last and gives us back the face of God once more." And Longfellow said: "Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; behind the clouds is the sun still shining."

I enjoy looking at the different clouds as they roll by. Fluffy white; faces and animal shapes; storm clouds, and faint outlines. Graham says: "The Bible indicates that clouds are given to us for a purpose, and that there is glory in the clouds and that every cloud has a silver lining."

And I believe they do! The sun always shines on the other side of the cloud.
We will always have clouds, both in the sky and in our lives. Yet God is still
shining bright and waits for our eyes to see Him.
My sister, Kathy, took the middle snap of angry clouds at her home in Oklahoma.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Living a Dream

Giant warm wishes to my friends who prayed for and visited me during my first book signing. I know it was their love that carried me through while this introverted person tried to be an extrovert. God knows the struggle within me to walk this new and exciting path He has laid out. Thank you FRIENDS!

It was a beautiful day to share about God's love and encouragement. Double thanks to my friend, Diana, in the picture above, who helped set up this signing and changed her schedule so she could be in the store during the signing.

In all fairness, I must thank the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware for the training I received working many conferences during my 15 years with them. I know that experience prepared me for these new opportunities.

I delighted in sharing how I got my start in encouraging through note writing. Inspiring others to take up pen and write, or any avenue one desires to send encouragement, is what it's all about.

God even delighted my heart with snow in the afternoon! Thankfully it wasn't the snow storm I normally wish for, but just enough to tickle my heart as Jerry and I drove home after the signing.

Erwin Lutzer said: "God often puts us in situations that are too much for us so that we will learn that no situation is too much for Him." Thank you, Jesus!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...