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Monday, January 16, 2012

How big is your House?

I recently read a devotion that brought back a memory from many years ago. We were members at a small country church and each month a Bible study was held in a members home. Usually the members who had big homes hosted the studies.

Jerry and I volunteered to have the study in our home one month. Compared to the homes normally volunteered, our is a very small home. In order to accommodate the number of people that would be attending, we had to move our dining room table into the bedroom and put up folding chairs, two rows, to have enough room for people to sit down. Our little living/dining room was definitely packed!

Before the date of the study, a woman said to me: "My husband won't let us have a study at our home because he thinks it is too small." I told her to come to the one at our home. They did.

The next month the study was held at this woman's home. The house her husband thought was too small to host the study turned out to be three to four times bigger than our home.

Even though our small home is small we've never let it inhibit us in inviting folks over. I like what Luci Swindoll said: "The size of one's home should never dictate the outreach of one's heart."

The other Friday I hosted my friend's Diana and Holly for our January breakfast date. The warmth God has allowed Jerry and me to provide in our cozy little home was a noticable factor on that Friday morning. That's the three of us above after a wonderful breakfast and fellowship!

How big is your home? Do you invite people over for fellowship, or do you think it is too small. It doesn't matter how small your home is, only how big your heart is.

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