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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Never Stop Praying

Through the years I've often done battle with the word never. I've learned it's in my best interest not to use it. It's a word that you often have to eat.

But I feel confidant in using it in this title. I was reminded of it this morning in a devotion I read. It told of George Muller, who founded orphanages in England in the 1800s, and the five close friends he prayed for to be saved.

After five years, he saw one friend saved. Another 10 years he saw another friend saved. Another 25 years of prayer found two more friends saved. That left one of the original five. Muller died not seeing the last one saved.

He had prayed for some 50 years for his friends. Fifty years. That's a long time to continue praying when you see sporadic results.

Scripture that is most often quoted regarding persistent prayer is found in Luke 18:2-6. Jesus tells his disciples a parable to show them they should always pray and not give up. It's the story of the widow who kept coming to the judge with her plea. The judge finally granted her request to get rid of her.

I certainly have prayers that I've been praying for years but have seen no answer. A number in fact. But I keep on praying for I know God answers prayer in His time and His way. Maybe I won't be here to see all of my prayers answered, as George Muller, but that doesn't stop my hope in praying.

Oh, that 5th friend of Muller's. He surrendered his life to Christ at Muller's funeral.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results (James 5:15). The point is never to give up until the answer comes. For our God is gracious and generous and His works are miraculous.

I like this quote by Oswald Chambers, "The prayer of the feeblest saint on earth who lives in the Spirit and keeps right with God is a terror to Satan."

The early snow brought two bucks to our back gate. We hadn't seen them since summer.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Dream Continues

My book is on its way to the printers! I signed off on the Galley and Cover yesterday. I will get the first copy in two or three weeks.

Since I signed up with Inspiring Voices, a service of Guideposts, it's been an interesting journey. Only three short months have passed, but with very focused energy every day. Now begins the marketing phase.

It would be hard to describe what the note writing ministry has meant to me. From the early stages when I put forth my greatest energy on working with words to find the right ones to encourage someone ... to the middle stage when I felt comfortable writing those words ... to the present stage when I feel honored to write God's encouraging words--my life has been encouraged over and over.

It has been a fulfilling service, helping me grow in wisdom and understanding, and pushing me beyond my limits of the ultimate introvert. Imagine me, who can't say two words in a group of people, giving a talk to numbers of people, about an incredible ministry.

I think back to when Jerry first suggested I write a book on note writing, to actually doing it, producing it, and then selling it when I gave my presentation. And now it will have the possibility of touching many lives as God uses it for His Glory.

Dreams do come true ... even at 62! I can't imagine what it will be like holding a published copy of my book in my hands.

Jerry spotted the first snap and liked the scene. The second picture I snapped, enjoying the clothing for the lightpost.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Beginning of a Retired Life

"We shall everyone of us have a charge to keep, an eternal God to glorify, an immortal soul to provide for, one generation to serve." Charles Wesley wrote these words talking about the song he created titled: "A Charge to Keep I Have."

I especially like the words of the second stanza: "To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill--O may it all my pow'rs engage to do my Master's will!"

These are the words I found in the October 14th devotion in "Amazing Grace," on my last day of work. I felt they were given especially to me as I start my retirement. God has truly energized my desire to serve Him with the gifts He has given me.

But there is another reason the devotion was special: the 14th. Unplanned by me, the big occasions in my life have all arrived on the 14th. I was born on March 14th, which I obviously had nothing to do with. I was saved on November 14th, which I didn't plan; and I was married to Jerry on December 14th, which was the best date for the pastor who married us. And now here I am, on October 14th, retiring.

The scripture verse with the devotion is from Ephesians 4:1: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Retirement has begun!I passed the first Monday without having to get up and go to work. But Sam and I did leave the house at 7:15 to begin walking in the park. It's a dream I've wanted to fulfill for a long time. Hopefully, most mornings we will be able to walk in the park.

Now begins the cleaning up, throwing out and rearranging in my writing room and computer room. Things have been piling up in there for the past few weeks, and I'm ready to get it over with. Organization has always been one of my qualities and it's time to get these rooms back.

I actually went three weeks without downloading any pictures I took. That certainly is a record! That big, beautiful tree on Pferffkorn Road is not quite in full fall color, so it's on my appointment book. I took the above picture last fall of the tree. I was away at the Annual Meeting when it was in full color; even so, the tree was still lovely. Hopefully, in a few days, I will get the snap I've imagined.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Best Thought

In the hymn "Be Thou My Vision," an 8th Century Irish hymn, one of the titles ascribed to God is "Best Thought." I've never thought of a title like this before, but, indeed, God is the Best Thought we can possibly have.

The actual words read: "Thou my best thought, by day or by night." Over the last week my thoughts have turned to "seeing" God. Actually seeing Him with my own eyes. We say often I can hardly wait to see God, but the phrase must have become common to me, and I hadn't really focused on that reality.

Recently I read these words: "Think of stepping on shore and finding it Heaven; Of taking hold of a hand and finding it God's."

Take a moment today and consider seeing God. It's powerful. It will be a reality one day. He is the very Best Thought I can ever have!


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...