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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bachelor Party

We've been having a bachelor party in our backyard the last few weeks. Six bucks have been enjoying our restaurant at the back gate. It certainly brings a smile to my face! The picture above shows the bucks coming across our neighbor's yard on their way to the restaurant.

We have one dominant, two medium, and three yearlings. We've seen the dominant let two of the yearlings come up beside it and eat. They usually visit early in the morning and in the early evening. Jerry was mowing yesterday afternoon and said the dominant buck started walking up the hill and stood there watching him, showing no signs of distress.

The picture below I probably posted before. It was taken another year. It was a beautiful summer evening with bucks, does and fawns all in attendance. I wanted to get a snap of the group, but the dominant buck kept stomping his feet and snorting. He was not happy I was there!

I've had the pleasure of seeing fawns appear the first of July and watch in their training and development. One summer morning before leaving for work, four fawns were running back and forth across the yards (ours and our neighbors). Does were at both ends of the yards and the fawn were dashing as fast as they could. I'm not sure what they were teaching the fawns, but it sure was fun to watch!

We usually see bucks mostly in the summer months, and the photo below is one of my favorites. Mom had just come up with her triplets (yes, triplets), and one of them wandered to the other side of the gate to see this buck. I could just image what it was thinking: "Will I ever be as big as you?"

Another favorite from last year is this fawn I walked into the woods to get. It wasn't until I got home, downloaded snaps, and started working with them that I found the doe on the right!

I'm sure there will be more snaps to post. I usually start seeing fawns on the road the last two weeks of June. We don't see them at home before the first week of July. Can't wait! I never get tired of snapping fawns!

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