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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Writing" Musings . . .

It is certainly obvious that I am a note writer since my blog is titled NoteWriter. I gravitate towards note writing like I do one of those Utz's potato chips I told you about in my last post! So I wanted to give this other delight in my life center stage like I did the chips.

In the book "Behind the Stories", it is written about Jane Peart, Christian fiction writer, "“God made her to love being alone. Jane has all the necessary elements needed for a life to write: ability to be alone for long periods of time, dedication to goals, discipline to make time to work, and willingness to simplify other areas of her life. She sees guarding her writing time as part of the discipline of her calling. If God made her a quiet person who would rather write than attend a function, then she should write and not feel guilty. It is a priority to her.” (condensed)

Reading about other writers brings clarity to my mind. Many times I wonder if I'm being selfish by spending so much time alone. But knowing other writers realize and accept being alone to write helps me to stop wondering and continue writing!

Another word I want to share about writing comes from Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a Victorian Englishman:

"'One of the deep secrets of life,’ Lewis Carroll reminds us, ‘is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.’ Perhaps that is why letter writing is such a centering, peaceful experience . . . When I sit at my desk and write a letter, I am focusing my attention on someone else. It is as if I am pulling up a chair to have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone stimulating . . . I’m certain my blood pressure goes down when I sit quietly, pen in hand, writing to someone I care about . . . Writing a letter to a friend creates a calming effect and invariably lifts my spirits.'”

I can certainly affirm those words! What a delight to sit down and write to someone. At some point in your life, you must have received a letter or two in the mail. How did that make you feel? Someone writing to you and you alone. If ever there was a way to encourage the heart it is to write someone their very own note or letter. And as Dodgson said, "Writing a letter to a friend creates a calming effect and invariably lifts my spirits." Double delight! You are encouraged and your recipient is encouraged!

Why not give it a try? I know you'll be glad you did.

After seeing a snow heart in a magazine a few years ago I couldn't get the image out of my mind. So I was determined, this year, to create my own snow heart whenever God blessed us with the beauty of snow. Jerry worked with the snow, and I supplied the poinsettia leaves for it to sit on. In honor of Valentine's Day, may your heart be as pure as this snow heart of mine, and His love be alive in your heart!

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