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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Celebrating My Saviour . . .

My posts for 2010 are now coming to an end. My last post this year celebrates Jesus . . . the Saviour of the world . . . the Everlasting King, and the Almighty God. How blessed we are!

Is this your hearts desire? If not, don’t go away before I can share a thought I heard a long time ago about believing God and accepting Jesus as the Saviour of the world. "If I’m wrong, and there is no God, and His Word doesn’t matter–it’s all just lies, well, I guess it won’t make any difference for me when I die. I’ve lived my life in what I believed to be true and how I believe God would have me to live it. But if I’m right, and there is a God, and His Word is true, and Jesus is the Saviour of the world . . . and you don’t believe it or live by His Word, it matters greatly, because you will live an eternity without God."

I plead with anyone who doesn't believe or live by God's word to search for Jesus and let Him fill your heart and mind with the truth. His will for your life is far better than what you choose.

We celebrate Christmas because of Jesus, that He was born, that He lived, He died, and He lives again. There isn’t any other reason to celebrate Christmas other than Jesus.

May your Christmas be blessed and your heart full because of the Saviour of the world . . . Jesus.

Me and my friend, Abby, above, wish you a very blessed Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. No better way to end the year then to honor the Lord with your words, and thoughts. You did just that. Thank you.


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