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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As you can tell from the above picture, this post is quite different from my usual writings. Maybe your curiosity has been where mine is . . . but if not, maybe you'll be moved . . .

I’ve been looking at a lot of pictures of baby animals. I believe my curiosity began because I love to photograph baby animals, mostly fawns, lambs and calves. Then my mind wondered what it looked like when the deer, cow and sheep actually gave birth.

I never had a dog or cat that gave birth, in which I could marvel at the puppies and kittens. Didn’t live near a farm or ranch where animal babies are born all the time. Perhaps this curiosity seems strange to you, but seeing a living being born was a desire I’ve carried with me for many years.

I found many videos on the web to satisfy my curiosity of each of these animal types. I even watched a horse giving birth. As my title says, IT'S A MIRACLE! What an awesome God we have. The picture above was an image from a video I saw on YouTube.
The picture below is the icy, cold February morning when I found this newborn following Momma.

Although I’ve seen no video’s of an elephant being born, I have seen pictures of newly born elephants. I laugh so! A tiny, tiny miniature of a giant animal. I keep saying to myself: “My God, my God, there is no one like you."

It drove my curiosity even further as I wondered at a new born baby’s entrance to this world. (Don't fear . . . there isn't a picture below of a human baby being born.) It’s very common now for families to be in the birth room and watch a baby being born. Today that curiosity was satisfied. I actually watched a human baby being born. I was shaking. Crying. Praising.

The picture below is the early morning when I captured these two calves right after they had been born. The one was standing for the first time.

I feel as though I’ve been given a special privilege into God’s miraculous works. What doctors and nurses, and farmers and ranchers, see everyday . . . and what family members are welcome to see if desired, I was now priviledged to see.

Baby’s being born are rather common place now. Unless the new born is in your family, it’s just another baby being born. But today, God opened my eyes to see what only He can do . . . give life.

I’m thankful for this opportunity to see a creation from God come to life. I've wondered about it for years. There really isn’t any words good enough to explain this. What an awesome God we have.

Below is a beautiful picture you will enjoy, celebrating another type of creation by our awesome God.

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