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Monday, July 26, 2010

A Bouquet of Praise

Last Sunday two individuals came up to me, at different times, and said “You are amazing!” They were talking about the notes I had sent them to encourage their hearts. Of course, I very quickly said that God is the one who is amazing.

It made me feel uncomfortable as I thought of their comments throughout the day. I’ve certainly received thank yous through the years from individuals, but this really made an impression in my mind. As God often does, my morning devotion on Monday gave me the food I needed.

The scripture verse was from Isaiah 42:8: “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.” The devotion is in “Diamonds in the Dust,” by Joni Eareckson Tada. Joni told how Corrie ten Boom, survivor of Nazi concentration camps, handled the world-wide accolades she received for her efforts to protect Jews during the World War II occupation of Holland.

She often commented that she was able to accept each compliment as though it was a rosebud, gathering many words of blessings during the course of the day,” Joni shared. “Then in the evening she presented God with a big bouquet of praise. Corrie knew that glory, praise, and honor belonged only to the Lord.”

While pondering these words, I thought of the many notes I have sent my pastor to encourage his heart. He stands tall for Christ and his gift of teaching thrills my soul! How I love to hear God’s word taught with courage.

I suppose what I write to him is in the same vein as what the two individuals said to me. God gives each individual all the ability they need to serve with their unique gifts. And sometimes it does seem amazing what one can do for the Lord. The words God gives me when I write to someone certainly astonishes me.

So my heart is happy knowing the words God gives me to send to others does what it is intended to do . . . encourage . . . uplift . . . and point that person to God.

The next time someone tells you, “You’re amazing!” just think of the beautiful bouquet you can give God at the end of the day. Now that’s amazing!

The above snap is my friend, Kathy Kreyling's beautiful garden. The rose in the middle is mine Kathy's snap below is titled "Baby Buns."


  1. Love the word picture of a lovely bouquet presented at the end of the day to the ONE worthy of all praise! Sweet.

  2. Another good post with great pics! I too have tried to learn how to accept praise that, in reality, needs to be redirected. But one thing I try to remember is that God has given others thankful hearts that need to find an outlet. Thus the doers do and the thankful thank and both God and we are blessed! Thanks for your ministry!


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