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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mt. Airy, Maryland, formally dressed for winter . . .

I love that line! I first read it in Calvin Miller's book Snow, when he wrote this sparkling description of Prussia, PA. It creates a dramatic picture in my mind. And the snow was indeed delightful!

Some of you may be familiar with my snow poem. It was a special morning when . . .

I Heard Snow . . .

When I opened the back door I heard it,
Snow. I was amazed at the sound.
A whisper different from wind,
Yet, precise; like nothing else I've ever heard.
Snow falling from the heavens.
My heart rested and listened.
I couldn't keep away from my back door.
I heard snow falling and I thanked God."

The other weekend Jerry and I went a little west of Gettysburg to a Christmas Tree Farm for a Pet 'n Pull event. That gentle, loving breed of Newfoundlands had come out to help foster the Christmas spirit. Following are some of the pictures I took.

I think the little guy had been picked up one too many times!

I'm told there may be more snow this weekend. I'm ready!

1 comment:

  1. What cute pictures of the dogs in all their regala. Thank you for sharing your snow poem, it alwasy brings a smile to my face.


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" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...