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Friday, October 30, 2009

Take Up Your Pen . . .

I enjoy corresponding monthly with two friends. Distance separates one of them; illness the other. How I look forward to receiving their notes/letters in the mail. Personal communication, purposely written, to me.

I know time was taken by both of my friends to sit down and write to me. A love letter through the mail. Although we may never see each other again, our lives our intertwined because we take the time to share our lives through writing and encourage each other.

Corresponding with someone is a special endeavor. Although my ministry is encouraging through note writing, writing these two friends is a special time of reflection. It slows me down so I can care about someone else.

Real feelings, transmitted through the written word, to have always. Whether they include encouragement, disappointment, ponderings or the sharing of lives, the written words keep us close.

I reread each letter several times before I put it away in a special place. That keeps my friend on my mind for several days so I can lift her up in prayer.

I like to say “leave a paper trail of encouragement” as you go through life. It really stirs hearts!

In today’s lightning–paced, nuclear-obsessed society, we are virtually starved for the individual stamp of a personally handwritten letter . . . What makes us “too busy” to send the gift of a letter to someone we care about? “. . . Alexandra Stoddard

It’s all about caring . . . touching lives . . and being refreshed.

Enjoy the beautiful scenes from fall which I took at Lake Needwood the other week.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos and the writing my friend!
    Letters are certainly gifts from the heart. My Mom writes me once in a while and I have a special box I keep them in on my desk. One day she will not be here.
    My Dad wrote me a couple of times when I lived at the Grand Canyon. I still have them. Now that he is gone, I have his love notes to me....precious, precious memories.


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