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Friday, May 15, 2009

Timing is everything . . .

Thursday morning as I was driving down one of my favorite “animal spotting” roads on my way to work, I saw this hawk land on a tree stump. I was able to pull off the road and snap a few shots of him. He had his eye on a groundhog half way between us. Either the groundhog was too big or the hawk didn’t like me sitting there because he finally flew away.

I had stopped earlier to snap a new lamb, and as you can see the grass was too tall and I only got the top of it’s head. He's there in the center of the picture below. An older lamb is above him to the right.

That five minute delay put me in perfect timing to catch the hawk land on the stump. It would have been a missed opportunity if that new lamb hadn’t caught my attention.


  1. Hi Carol... don't you just love God's timing!

    Thanks for your prayers for the weekend... God did great things there!

    And your CD of art is in the mail today!! YEAH!! Enjoy it!

    Blessings my friend... xoxoxo...

  2. Great shot of the hawk!
    Good to talk to you today. I have been in techno withdrawal for days!!! The place we are staying at is lovely. I am not going to be free of blogging for weeks when I return home.

  3. Great pictures Carol! I can help myself by making an analogy of your comment pertaining to the lamb. So here it goes, Interesting how opportunities can be lose if our eyes aren't focused on "the Lamb" and when they are may we behold the beauty that is around us. I know I'm a sap! Thanks Carol for your "hawk-like" eyesight. Keeping snapping those pics girl!


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