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Friday, February 27, 2009

Celebration of Friends

Imagine 16 of your most intimate friends sitting together in your living room on a sunny, Saturday afternoon. They have come to celebrate your birthday and you plan to honor each one for their friendship.

It really happened to me. Five years ago I celebrated lifelong friends on my 55th birthday. Now, as I prepare to turn 60 in just a few days, I'm reflecting on the joy and refreshment I receive from my friends.

Friendships just don’t happen. You have to nurture a friendly relationship just like any other relationship. Having a few close friends is a reality in my life because I’ve sought friends and worked at keeping them. Friends care. And that’s why friends are so important to have in your life.

Imagine two, or eight, or 16 of your most intimate friends sitting together in your living room. It can be a little bit of heaven. I sit back and savor the sweet memories of my party and the affect the afternoon had on everyone. It was an astonishing time of fellowship, love and sharing.

What are you doing for your friends? It's never too late to cultivate friends.

1 comment:

  1. Girlfriend, pink is your color!
    What a LOVELY photo! Friends are wonderful. I love a good get together as well. All the chitchat and laughing.

    Now that you are a blogger, YOU need to leave comments on the sites of your friends...see how fun they are to recieve?
    Love you MC2


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