"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Last August, after I finished writing my 84th hymn study, I decided to take a break. I was wondering if God was leading me in a different direction. I loved writing the hymn studies and spent many hours researching and creating the studies.
Through the fall I continued to write two short columns each week. Yet I felt like I wasn't doing anything. My time had been freed up so much when I stopped writing the hymn studies it felt strange.
Then in December I was led to write two new series on God's Names and Hymn Lines. I had recently purchased the book, "100 Names of God" by Christopher D. Hudson and was enjoying the study. And last year I had purchased a book titled, "Hymn Lines" which included 75 devotional thoughts based on lines and phrases from great hymns and songs of the Christian faith. I've been highlighting hymn lines in my hymnal for years and I thought this would be a good series.
Neither of these new series took up the amount of time I spent writing hymn studies. It left me with a lot of free time. This allowed me to become less selfish with my time. Since retiring, soon to be 14 years this year, I kept strict control of my time for my own creative outlets. Even though I write for God, I knew I was filling my time with what I wanted to do and what filled me with pleasure. To put it bluntly, I was very selfish with my time at home.
It's been six months since I stopped writing hymn studies, and my life has changed dramatically. With my husband and I now in the sunset of our years, God is showing me I need to be available to deal with both of our increasing needs. My time needs to be equally divided between what I believe God called me to do and what our needs are in this stage of life.
I can feel the change in my mind; the difference between the strict schedule and the slower and more open schedule I'm living today. But it hasn't been easy. I like to produce.
Change is inevitable. Each season of life causes you to adjust and change. Am I going to accept the change or fight against it. Right now, I'm adjusting. I'm trying to accept doing less and being thankful for what I can still do.
I'm thankful that the One I live for and serve never changes. He is the same God I knew when I first became a Christian, as He is now that I'm a seasoned believer a lot closer to reaching my eternal home. I'm so glad He continues to walk beside me in this season of my life as He has through all the seasons of my life.
It's a little scary this last season. But I remember God's command to Joshua: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Chapter 1, verse 9.
I believe God prompted me last August to prepare me for slowing down. I believe His Hand has guided me these last six months. And although I faced uncertainty in what was happening, I know He has led me through each step I took.
When you know a change is coming your way, be strong and courageous, no matter how hard it is. Yes, I'm coping with change. My doubts and fears are becoming less and less. Thank you, Jesus.
By His Grace . . .