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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Yes, it's still me.

 I've been working all day to redo my blog site design. It's been quite an experience. 

I wanted "HOPE" to be the main theme of this blog. God's HOPE. Having a deep settled confidence in all His promises!

May you always find HOPE on this blog!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

At Calvary Hymn Study and Creation

 The Hymn Study With Scripture for the hymn At Calvary is now posted on the right side of this blog site, the 4th video down. Learn the interesting and inspiring stories behind the hymn.

We have arrived at the season where God's beautiful creation awakes after a long winter's nap. Buds and blooms are appearing on bushes and trees. Baby leaves are opening to dress the tree branches.

"The creation of God speaks without sound or language, but with great pictorial wonder that is understood throughout the world."  Liberty Bible Commentary, Romans 1:20

I saw my first baby leaf last week. God's hope to me! "When everything looks dead, God brings me baby leaves." My own special assurance from God to heal a broken heart.

"God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars." Martin Luther

Every spring our God awakens us from the gray and cold of winter with warmer temperatures and the hint of beauty fills the eye. We first start seeing a tint of green or red across the trees; then comes the buds which open to baby leaves. The flowers on the trees and bushes soon open and color is alive across the land.

"The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the creator." Louis Pasteur
This reminds me of the lovely hymn "This Is My Father's World," written by Maltbie D. Babcock. Babcock would tell his wife that he was "going out to see the Father's world," on his walks.  

"This is my Father's world
And to my listening ears
All nature sings and round me rings
the music of the spheres
This is my Father's world
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas
His hand, the wonders wrought.

"This is my Father's world
The birds, their carols raise
The morning light, the lily white
Declare their maker's praise
This is my Father's world
He shines in all that's fair
 In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
He speaks to me everywhere."

If you haven't taken a walk outside yet this spring I encourage you to do so. It is truly amazing watching God wake up the land with color and the joy of birds singing.

"Let the fields and their crops burst forth with joy! Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise."
                                                                                                                                            Psalm 96:12

By His Grace . . .


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

"Face to Face" and More

  "Hymns enable us to pray. Sometimes when we're too weary or worried for words,
we can sing a favorite hymn to encourage our souls."
Robert J. Morgan

The Hymn Study with Scripture for the hymn Face To Face is posted at the right side of this blog site, the third video down. Click on the picture. Learn the interesting story behind the hymn and the Scripture verses that relate to the hymn verses.
Sunday evening I was sitting in my writing room, in my favorite chair, trying to decide what to read. I had finished a book that afternoon and hadn't brought any "new" books up from downstairs yet.

 My favorite place to be!
I enjoy reading books two, three, even six times. If the story is written well, and I found it refreshing to read, I'll read the book again. I like a quote by Charles Spurgeon that says if a book is worth reading once, it's worth reading again.

Instead of going down stairs and pulling a few books out, I looked through the book cases in the room to see if anything caught my eye. Mostly those books are devotionals and biographies by Christian writers. But my eye fell on a book that I hadn't read in a few years. My book.

That's hard for me to say. My book. Even to believe I wrote one! It's about the note writing ministry and my experiences of writing notes to encourage others. Jerry suggested I write it years ago.

When I finished, my employers let me copy it on copy machines at work, and when I spoke about note writing I sold the book. It was all quite an experience for someone who is a loner and has difficulty speaking in groups.

I wrote a second book after my
Note Writing book, I combined the
two when I self published them.
Then Guideposts created a new department called Inspiring Voices. It provided opportunity for people like me to self publish their book. Of course, this was a dream come true. I was getting ready to retire and would receive monies that enabled me to take advantage of the opportunity.

It was an interesting and trying adventure. But I did it. 
So when my eyes landed on my book, I decided to read it. It had been years since I last read it. I found myself saying, "Wow. How did I write that?" This isn't a "toot my own horn" at this endeavor. It was a "Thank you, God, for giving me the words to write." When you look at life through the eyes of Eeyore like I do, this accomplishment was way over my head!
Because of all the notes I wrote, Jerry nicknamed me "NOTE"worthy!

The book is snippets of my life experiences and how God used them to give me words to encourage others. Right now, they're encouraging me! It brings back so many memories.

And now, because of a whisper from God, I've written hymn studies. That makes me say Wow too! They've brought me so much joy writing them. It's all through the Hand of God leading one of His children to bring joy and hope to herself and others.

Ordinary people do extra ordinary things all the time. I'm the perfect example. What is God calling you to do so He can bring joy to your heart? I humbly say: "Thank you, Father, for the joy You've given me as I write for You!

By His Grace . . .


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Hymn Studies With Scripture

Today begins the video series "Hymn Studies With Scripture." Two videos are available: "Introduction to Hymn Studies With Scripture" and the hymn study of "And Can It Be."
Both videos are on the right side of this blog, the first two entries. Just click on the picture. Each week I'll post a new video of a favorite hymn, 8 total.

The stories behind a hymn are meaningful and interesting. The circumstances in a writer's life helps us see how God worked and enabled them to write down the beautiful words.
Most hymns were written to tell the gospel story. Christopher Woodsworth said: "The first duty of hymns is to touch sound doctrine, and thus save souls. When hymns were written centuries ago, they were written to share the truths of Scripture. The are miniature Bible studies."
Hymns are not just for singing. Reading a hymn and considering its meaning will inspire you and encourage your heart. Hymns are full of Scripture relayed in verse. Along with the Bible, they are the instruments that help you during all circumstances in your life when you are in need of direction, encouragement and inspiration.
I hope you are encouraged by watching the videos. I look forward to your thoughts and  comments.

By His Grace . . .


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reading Instead of Singing

". . . hymns have been a powerful instrument of God to draw people
closer to His Word and the saving riches therein."
Billy Graham
Sunrise at Cacapon, West Virginia

It’s been four months since I heard God whisper Bible Study Through Hymns early one Sunday morning. I've been busy.

It’s been an enjoyable and interesting time. I’ve spent hours in front of the computer researching and writing.

I’ve written 16 studies, and I thank God for helping me find the stories behind the hymns. Adding Scripture and commentary to the verses brings special meaning in the words.

My dear friend, Carol, has faithfully read, commented and corrected each one. This has brought me confidence to share them.

Since March 15th I have shared some studies each Wednesday morning at church, and those sessions will end on April 19th.

Sunrise at Chincoteague, Virginia

I’ve video recorded eight studies at home and will be putting them online beginning next week, one study a week. My young friend, Elizabeth, wrote out instructions to video, download and link and it was exciting to actually do it.

This project has brought me so much joy. I’m excited and thankful I can share them with my friends.

I hope you will tune in to discover the gold nuggets found in the verses of the hymns. Hymns tell the gospel story. There is so much more to discover then just singing hymns. Reading the verses bring the gospel story to you.

I hope you will look forward to watching the videos and discovering the joy of reading the verses of hymns and learning about the people who wrote them. 

Early morning sunrise in Brookville, PA.
"In the midst of the storm, your life boat appears. A psalm, a hymn, a word . . . calming the fiercest winds of the soul.

 By His Grace . . .

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...