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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Summer Babies

With summer soon coming to a close, following are favorite snaps of animals and their babies.

Driving around my first year in PA I was pleased to fine this family of turkey and poult.
(I had to look that up.)

I don't remember if these little ones were lying in buttercups or clover, but I couldn't resist a snap!

I thought this little one looked very clean!

Enjoyed holding this little one at my friend, Danielle's home.

My sister-in-law, Bobbie, took this snap of dove and baby. One of my favorites!

At Double Diamond Deer Ranch in Cook Forest, I got up close and personal with the fawn.

One day on my lunch hour at work, I found this fox.

Baby goat at Farmer's Inn in Sigel.

My first visit to a sheep farm provided this sweet picture of mom and lamb.

Little one kissing mommy at Double Diamond.

An afternoon drive in the country found this pair.

Well hello under there!

One early morning on my way to work I found these little ones gathering under mom who sat down on them just 10 seconds later. 

A favorite from my backyard in MD.

My two sweet girls welcoming me home after a day at work!

God's beautiful creation of animals which give us so much joy!

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Overcome the Venom

From my summer garden in Maryland.

A while back my friend, Melody, posted the following words on her Facebook page, by Mary Southerland of Friends for the Journey ministry:

"A rattlesnake bit one of a shepherd's sheep in the face about a week ago. It is one of the deadliest snakes that live. The sheep's face swelled up and hurt her terribly. But the old rattlesnake didn't know the kind of blood that flows through the sheep. Anti-venom is most often made from a sheep's blood. The sheep swelled for about two days, but the blood of the lamb destroyed the venom of the serpent. The shepherd was worried, but the sheep didn't care. She kept on eating, kept on drinking, and kept on climbing because she knew she was alright . . . While it is true that the serpents of this life will often reach out and bite us, it is just as true that their poison cannot overcome the blood of Jesus Christ. Don't worry about the serpent or his bite. Just make sure that the Lamb's blood is flowing through your veins." 

Lovely Dahlia!

It always makes me smile when I read something that brings clarity to God's Word in an unusual way. The blood of Jesus is our lifeline. Because of His blood we can stand strong against any foe.

Is Jesus' blood flowing through your veins? 

Jesus Christ. My living Hope. Never fails. Never is asleep. Never is on vacation. Never punishes. Never talks back. Never leaves you. 

I don't want to be bit by a snake, but I know I'm covered by the blood of the Lamb and will survive. I can go on and live my life, protected by the One who cares

Yes, there is POWER IN THE BLOOD! They're not just idle words. Overcome the venom in this world today.

Along the roadside in Maryland.

If you're still on the deciding side, I would encourage you to Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, well said in a lovely hymn:

"O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There's light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!"

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace."

Love the Hibiscus!

"The devil and me, we don't agree;
I hate him; and he hates me."
Salvation Army Hymn

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Always a Thrill

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

With the hazy bright sun behind him, I enjoyed seeing this fawn on the road.

Last Friday morning I left home at first light to continue on my favorite summer pastime: fawn spotting. I've been doing this for many years now, and the thrill never leaves me. Finding that "just right" picture I get to snap is a joy!

It's not just the picture. It's riding around before daylight in the freshness of a new morning. It's having the road to myself and being alone in the woods. It's thanking God for the pleasure this pastime gives me, always making my heart smile.

I'm coming to the end of my fawn spotting drives as I normally stop by the end of August. It's finding those little ones, still fresh to this world and curious, that make me smile.

This Friday morning, though, I had an extra bonus! Two buck! Finding buck with antlers is hard. I never tire of telling the story about my herd of buck.

One November I asked God for the opportunity to take some snaps of buck. I didn't have very many pictures of buck and wanted to take some more. I soon forgot about my prayer.

Here they come walking up to our back fence.

The next July, early one morning, eight buck, with antlers, came up to our back gate. We were in Maryland then and put corn down so we could see deer. It was magnificent! I talked about it all day. 

Here's three beauties!

They came back that evening and every day until the middle of October. Every day. Morning and evening. It wasn't until August that I remembered my prayer to God. It definitely gave me the chills and a few tears.

I will always be thankful for that opportunity right in my own backyard.

The two snaps I like best from Friday morning are below. There's just something about a buck walking calmy away that I love. The same with doe and fawn. I love snapping them walking away without a care. 

About an hour later I saw the second buck, and he too, gave me opportunity to take a few snaps.

Maybe I should extend my early morning drives into the fall. I haven't seen a bear this fawn spotting season. Since moving here 5 years ago, I've seen 6 while out driving around in the early morning.

This is one of my desires of the heart. God faithfully delights me with this pastime. It's always a thrill!

"God is so good that He only awaits our desire to overwhelm us with the gift of Himself."
Francois Fenelon, 1651-1715

Our herd of Buck leaving the yard after a nice meal.

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Get Out of the Whirlwind

 "There's absolutely no reason for being rushed along with the rush. Everybody should be
be free to go very slow."  Robert Frost             (A turtle's quote.)
Last week I enjoyed a delightful ride through the woods at the home of a friend. Just the thrill of riding through nature, enjoying the quiet, the freshness, the forest animals brought refreshment and calm to my soul. Thank you, CJ, for the calm of a summer day.

I've kept a journal of quotes since my 55th birthday. A friend gave me a journal as a gift. I hadn't kept a journal since my diary days back as a girl. I wish I still had my diary. It would be fun to see what I wrote in it.

I put all different types of quotes in my journal books which number about six now. When I read something that touches my heart, I either write it out down or type it and then tape it in my journal. I love going back through these journals because the words are always encouraging, funny, motivating, and inspiring. Like this one said by Gilbert Hay in "Serenity Is . . .":

"The best things in life move slowly. They can hardly overtake one who is in a hurry. We are making haste to ill purpose if we 'haven't time' to read good books, to think quietly, to visit our friends, to comfort the sick and sorrowing, to enjoy the beautiful creations of God . . and to lend a hand to a struggling brother. Time is precious, but more precious than fleeting hours are truth, love, benevolence, friendship, service, a serene mind and a happy heart, for these are the essence of life itself." 

It isn't hard for me to agree with these words. I thrive in quiet and don't hurry about. Yet, the words are true. Taking time for meaningful things encourages the heart.

Another one of my favorite quotes, author unknown, says: "How beautiful it is to do nothing and rest afterwards . . ." I know. Who has time to do nothing? and who doesn't have anything to do? Ae you just lazy? I take this quote to inspire you to relax. It's good for the soul!

I believe God wants us to have a balanced life, where rest, quiet time and sleep is included. Young and growing families are on the go most of the time. It is hard for them to squeeze in quiet, restful times. but it is still important to find time to slow down.

"The Bible commands us to rest . . . what a generous and kind God we have. We expect marching orders, or hoops to jump through. But God simply says, 'Alright, this will be challenging, but here's what I want you to do: take a break.'"
Keri Wyatt Kent

Last week there was a post on my Facebook page that showed a picture of a twin bed with a table next to it and a lighted lamp on the table. My first thought was, 'that's a welcoming way to say, '"Come visit me! I have a bed just waiting for you."

The person who posted it wrote that making her bed every morning was a gift of God's blessing for sleep. Each evening she gets to unwrap it for the pleasure of a good's night sleep.

I often thank God for sleep during the night if I wake up and when I get up in the morning. Sleep is important. It rests your body and your mind, so you are able to go through each day able to accomplish whatever is on your agenda, whether rest or work.

So, move slowly, rest often and sleep well. They all have a purpose to grow a better life for you each day. You'll still have plenty of time to get done what it is important. And you'll be in a lot better shape to do it! Just at the turtle.

"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
Acts 2:26

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Dusty Old Libraries

"The life-saving strategy of Jesus is based on ordinary people showing and telling about Him in ordinary places."
Ron Hurchcraft 

On one of my early morning fawn spotting drives I noticed what looked like a beautiful garden in a backyard I past. Realizing the homeowner probably wouldn't appreciate me knocking on their front door at 6:50 a.m., I went back later that morning. I was welcomed by a friendly woman who invited me to take as many pictures as I'd like. I was given a bouquet of flowers to take home with me and invited back any time I wanted too and cut flowers for free. And she wasn't the gardener. Her husband created the gardens! Above, and following, are some of my snaps.

I like libraries. I don't frequent them often, but they've always been helpful when I had a need for information. 

I recently read the following words by Alistair Begg in his devotion book, "Truth For Life." It made me stop and consider for a few moments. This is what he said:

"What a great sadness it is when churches become like dusty old libraries, filled with so many lives that are like volumes of truth but sitting there, never used . . . a church is to be a gallery of living experiences. There ought to be a vibrancy about believers, so that when we face the world’s many problems . . . we can see them for what they are and respond by holding out the truth of God’s Word as we ourselves live it out." 

"So many lives that are like volumes of truth but sitting there, never used." It's not a favorable comment. Is it me? Is it you? Many of us are in the latter part of our lives so we definitely are slower getting around and take longer doing things. But are we just sitting around with all this knowledge in us and not making a difference for Christ.

Other words I've read said, "when a person dies a history book is gone." We can only hope that we've made a difference in our world of life before we die.

There will be a time when we can no longer be out and about and share all that God has done in our life. It's at that time we can make a great difference for our God. Prayer becomes our activity. Praying. 

"If I cannot work or rise from my chair or my bed, love remains to me; I can pray."
Williams Congreve

Are you a dusty old library? Think about dusting yourself off and asking God where you can make the most difference for Him. Your family? Your workplace? Your church? Your hobby? Your neighbor? Your community? Our world needs to hear from us now. The fight began years before and it's critical that we share our knowledge about Christ and our faith. 

"When we are willing to open our mouths to speak for Him, we can be sure that He will give us the right thing to say. It is not that we put our minds to neutral but that we submit our minds to Him to use as He sees fit and to empower as He has promised."
John MacArthur, 1939-

"I will consider my earthly existence to have been wasted unless I can recall a loving family, a consistent investment in the lives of people, and an earnest attempt to serve the God who made me."
James Dodson, 1936-

By His Grace . . . 


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...