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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

This You Can Do

"When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless."
John W. Gardner

Lambing time. I was excited to visit my first sheep farm in 2016.

All of us are in the middle of the COVID-19 concern, watching the news, following Facebook and checking out YouTube for the latest developments. And rightly so. My generation has never seen anything like this before. The only thing I remember is rationing of gas in the early 70s.

There are many of us who have been staying home and only going out for emergencies to the grocery store or drug store. If you're not a homebody like me, I'm sure you're getting a little frantic about staying home.

Many of you are essential to health care, police, firemen, food employees and others who need to be at work, fighting on the front lines of life. They wish they could be home and not exposed to this virus at every turn.

You can do something. People need to be encouraged and inspired. People need to have hope that this will end and most things will get back to normal. People need to help if they can.

Pick up that phone. Call your friends. Call the people you see often and check up on them. A short phone call between friends and acquaintances will calm you and help you think of others.

Send a card. Write a note. A plain piece of paper will even do. Touch the heart of someone by remembering them and writing a few words to calm them.

Order a lunch and dinners from your favorite restaurant. They need your business and the pick-me-up you'll receive from helping a business and eating a favorite meal will help settle you.

Fix a meal and take it to someone who lives alone, someone who is elderly, someone who can't get out. If they are in need, can you provide what they need?

Sew face masks. There are videos online that provide all the direction you need, and you will be helping the cause by directly helping someone who works with others or has the virus.

There will be many young families that will be in need if the parents are not able to work and no money is coming in. Is there a way you can help?

"If you look around, there are always opportunities to help people who are having a hard time, even if they haven't asked for help. Sometimes they are so involved with their problems or their heartache they don't think to ask anyone for help. Sometimes they don't know you have the ability to help them, so they don't ask you specifically." Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

Most of all, pray. God knows. God knows what is happening. He knows how it started, who is sick and how long this is going to tarry. Pray for the health care providers. Pray for the ambulance personnel. Pray for the police. Pray for the business that are closed. Pray. Pray. Pray.

We are in the middle of an epidemic. Hopefully the longer we stay home the shorter it will be. Don't just listen to the number of cases there are. Read about the number that have recovered from this virus. Our country is in control.

Be thankful if you are well and only have to wait this out. Be grateful that most of your needs are filled and you are safe in your home. You are blessed and among those who don't know what it's like to have a roof over their heads, food to eat and clothes to wear. You are blessed because you don't have to be out working in the trenches to save lives.

"The soul that has been enriched by communion with God will not be dismayed by isolation but will welcome solitude. He will seek not the crowd but the closet, and emerging will never walk alone,
for he has unseen companionship."

Frances J. Roberts

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Gratitude and Blessings Verses Chaos and Fear

 "Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies."
Charles Edward Jefferson (1860-1937)

On my way to work one morning I stopped at a nearby pond and watched this geese family for awhile. When the goslings were all headed under Mom I snapped this picture right before she went down over them. I've always liked this one.
Our country has not seen an emergency like this one for awhile now. At least not in my lifetime. Oh, I can remember back in the 70s when there were long lines for gas, and a few other emergencies through the years, but not an illness of this magnitude and concern affecting the entire country.

I fear it will get worse before it gets better. It is serious and something to be on top of. But it has caused me to reflect on things I'm grateful for and have been blessed with. That certainly is better than being afraid or hysterical.

Will you join me? Will you take some time to calm yourself and consider all that has happened in your life and how blessed you truly are? Can your thoughts turn toward gratefulness and what you can do to help others rather than hurt the situation?

The first blessing that came to my mind is of the Godly men and women who are providing encouragement online through video. I have my favorite people I enjoy listening too, and I'm sure you have yours too. I'm so thankful to be reminded of the protection we have from God and encouraged that He is in control of all things.

Another early morning drive to work I watched these two walk past a family of geese and goslings. With their heads up in the air, I felt they were saying: "I guess they're cute enough, but they aren't as cute as ours."

I've recalled that I've never been in want of anything. Living in the United States of America has made it possible to always have a home to live in, always have food on my table, always have clothes to wear and work to do. There are many here that haven't enjoyed those things I take for granted. We can all help those in need.

I've had cancer, but I live in a country who knows how to restore health and heal many physical concerns. Doctor, assistants, nurses and all who work in the medical field providing care to sick patients have been provided with the best medicines and equipment to work with. They do the best they can to heal and care for those they attend. That is a blessing.

I know I will recall many more blessings and avenues of gratefulness in my life. I know days before us may become very hard until this emergency is under control. But I also know the one who holds the whole world in His Hands. I have that security that whatever happens my life is protected with His Everlasting Arms and whether I lose much or gain little my life is in God's control.

On a retreat in Hershey, I enjoyed snapping these goslings at the hotel we stayed at.

Gratitude and blessings. I just started my list. I have a long way to go. How about you? And what can you do to help your neighbor as we all go through this emergency together?

This is one of many prayers floating through social media.

Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You for all the wonderful Blessings You give us each and every day. LORD thank You for Your Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness You give to us through Your Son Jesus.
LORD we are facing a very bad disease known to us as COVID-19, I know You know all about it. LORD I'm asking you help us to contain and concur this virus and that you give healing to those who have contracted this virus and give protection to those who don't have it. LORD please bring our spirits together even though we cant come together physically.

"It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Slice of My Life

"Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Who is this man and why is he in my book?

I celebrated my birthday last week. All week. I use to celebrate all month, but I guess things slow down as you get older.

An anticipated trip to Hershey needed to be cancelled, so what was I going to do now? A little incentive gave me the answer. Shutterfly had an epic sale, and I love to create Shutterfly books.

Now, what to create. Last Saturday ended my 70th year and the title came to me: Memories: A Slice of My Life. I wanted to create a book of what God did in my life so when I start to forget things I can pick up the book and be reminded of where I came from and what God did in me.

You've seen books like this before. Tell Your Life Story.  I bought one for my mother years ago and she answered many of the questions in the book. Many of you may have done this too. But my book would be pictures instead of words. Well, there are words in it, but the pictures are what tells my story.

"The greatest moments of your life are those when through all the confusion God got a message through to you plain and certain."
Bertha Munro
For four days I did nothing but create. What fun I had! Going through pictures and pulling out ones I wanted to keep in front of my eyes. It was truly interesting as I remembered what God did for me, a naive, sheltered, shy girl with no communication skills. I was afraid to talk in a group, and didn't for most of my 40+ year career.

It's the biggest book I've created and thank goodness for sales! It was a little pricey, but 50% off made it possible.

I know where I began and where I was headed. But at age 28 my trust was given to God, and His Son, Jesus, and my life was never the same.

Oh, the man in the picture? He's Mr. Singh, and I met him on my morning drives to work. I always smiled when I drove by because he looked so happy with his dogs. One morning I stopped and asked if I could take a picture of them. Bold me. He let me and I told him I'd give him one.

I always thought the dogs had yellow bows on, but the picture made it clear the purpose of the yellow bags.

I wrote an article about him and his dogs, and had lunch with him and his wife. Then he invited Jerry and me to dinner at a ritzy restaurant near where I worked. I'm still trying to find the article. A few months after the picture and articles he had to put down on of his girls. I'm so thankful I took that picture!

This was a happy memory and why I included it in my book. It doesn't matter how small something is. It's what affected your heart the most. I still smile when I see the picture.

Friends, you who are around my age, think about preserving your life with something that can be handed down so your family can see what God has done for you.

"Hold sacred every experience."
Frances J. Roberts

I'm now in my golden years. I wonder what God has planned for me as I continue my life here on earth. One thing for sure. I know He will take care of me no matter what comes my way. He always has!

A little slice of my life. Created to help me remember where I came from and what God has done with me. It was a good birthday week. Now, why did I stop celebrating all month?
"Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do."
Willian Ellery Channing (1780-1842)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

All Shall Be Well

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."
Julian of Norwich, 1342-1416

The above was a favorite quote of Julian of Norwich. There isn't much known about her except her writings. She was also known as Dame Julian or Mother Julian, an English anchorite of the Middle Ages. She wrote the earliest surviving book in the English language to be written by a woman, Revelation of Divine Love.

Her favorite quote caught my attention and these words were written about her: "Julian was passionate about the love of God. It was powerful, but it was also what she called 'homely'--that is, personal, practical, part of ordinary life. God was a father to her, but also a nurturing mother, holding her tight. And this gives us the reason that 'all shall be well.' If we are loved relentlessly by the all-powerful God, we can trust Him to be there for us in thick and thin . . . for thou art enough for me." The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional, Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves.

Is He enough for me? Is He enough for you? "Mull over the pervasive love of God. Because He loves us, we know that, whether things turn out for the best or the worse, 'all manner of thing shall be well.'" Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

I may have difficulty at times to say all is well. I know I did in my early walk with God. But years of burdens and trials and years of seeing how God works, have made it easier to sit back and trust God. It's also a good reason to become friends with older, mature Christian people. What you can't see in your youthful living, an older person can from experience.

 "All shall me well . . ."  "What was Julian all about? In a word, love. In two words, God's love . . . God is more nearer to us than our own soul,' she wrote'"  Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

I'm reminded of the much loved song, "It is Well With My Soul." Whether my experience is good or bad, how does it impact my soul? Something can hurt; something can bring unwanted change, but overall, my relationship with God will display the final outcome.

"The highest pinnacle of the spiritual life is not happy joy in unbroken sunshine, but absolute and undoubting trust in the love of God."
Anthony Wilson Thorold, 1825-1895

Monday, March 2, 2020

Great Anticipation

"Springtime . . . invites you to try out its splendor . . . to believe anew. To realize that the same Lord who renews the trees with buds and blossoms is ready to renew your life with hope and courage."
Charles R. Swindoll (1934-  )

As the calendar turned over to March, I'm sure there are many of us anticipating Spring. Although I'd love to see another beautiful snowfall, Spring is a wonderful time of year. It all begins Friday, March 20th!

Thank God for the Promise of Spring

Though the skies be gray above me
And  I can't see the light of day;
There's a ray breaking through the shadows
And His smile can't be far away.

Though the earth seems bleak and barren
And the seeds lay brown and dead;
Oh the promise of life throbs within them
And I know spring is just ahead.

Thank God for the promise of springtime;
Once again my heart will sing.
There's brand new day a-dawning;
Thank God for the promise of spring
William and Gloria Gaither

What do you look forward to when Spring comes knocking on our door? Is it the warm weather? Flowers sprouting from the ground? Day Light Savings time making evenings longer? Is it a sport that comes into season that draws your attention?

I have a few areas of anticipation as I think about Spring. One is baby leaves. During a bleak time in my life, God spoke to me through baby leaves. It was in the dead of winter, and I was walking outside in the cold and dark. I stopped at the tree outside my writing room window and saw the cold and bare branches. It was then that God whispered in my heart, "It may be cold and bare now, but in just a few weeks there will be baby leaves." I knew in my heart that it was His message that He'd see me through the burden of my day.

I also anticipate fawn hunting. In middle May and early June I start my early morning drives to find baby fawn. They are my favorite thing to photograph. How exciting it is for me to come upon a doe and fawn and watch the tender moments between them. And my camera leaves me memories to enjoy during the cold winter months.

I'm sure you have your own reasons for anticipating Spring. It's a wonderful time to be alive and watch God's creation come to life.

"There is no time like spring
When life's alive in everything."
Christina Georgiana Rossetti (1820-1894)

Anyway you look at it, it's exciting to know that Spring will soon be here. Maybe you have God's promise in the arrival of something, like my baby leaves!

I was reminded recently about Evie's "Tree Song." It seems like a "springy" thing to me.

"I saw a tree by a riverside.One day as I walked along
Straight as an arrow and pointing to the sky, Growing tall and strong
How do you grow so tall and strong? I said to the riverside tree
This is the song that my tree friend sang to me.

"I've got roots growing down to the water
I've got leaves growing up to the sunshine
And the fruit that I bear is a sign of life in me
I am shade from the hot summer sun-down
I am nest for the birds of the heaven
I'm becoming what the lord of trees has meant me to be
A strong young tree."
I passed this huge, full tree on my way to work each day and just loved it!
Link for "Tree Song:"

Link for "Thank God for the Promise of Spring"


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...