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Sunday, October 28, 2018

That Dreaded Thing

 My fawn have been without spots for several weeks now.

October came in like the thrill of a roller coaster ride, but has been bumpy the rest of the way. Emotional upset and depression smacked together and these lovely fall weeks have been difficult.

I'm not unfamiliar with these maladies of life, which millions of others share with me. It's not a club I enjoy belonging too. But I succumb as so many others do.

As I've found through most of my life, when I write I'm helped, so this is my attempt to overcome the difficulties of the last few weeks.

October began with joy as I traveled to Maryland to visit with long time friends. How I enjoyed sitting down with each one, sharing and laughing, enjoying the presence of happy faces and good memories. And the middle of October another Maryland friend came my way and it was so good to sit down and be with her.

On the ride home from Maryland I could feel myself falling into sadness, leaving those I love and who have played huge roles in my life as my friends. I decided I needed some sunshine and purchased yellow fabric with sunflowers to make a quilted piece for myself.

A long time friend from Maryland, who now lives in Delaware, shares these dreaded maladies, especially during the winter months. I would make sunshine for her too! So this week I cut out and created two quilt tops, one with sunshine bursting through the middle for my friend and one design to brighten my days.

I'm hoping to get those dreaded seams sewn through both of them this week. Although I love creating and sewing, I'm anywhere but good. I hope the happy designs make up for the sometimes crooked seams.

"And this too shall pass." Last week my pastor posted a devotion centered around those words. They don't come from the Bible, but "the principle is worthy of our faith, and should be used as words of hope," he shared. God always gets us through.

I've said and thought those words often, but I'd never looked at them as words of hope. This brought encouragement to me as I continued to muddle through my dreaded maladies. I do get through difficult times because I know my God helps me. Light always follows darkness. His love always brings comfort.

My deer also brought me joy as I continue to snap pictures out back. The fawn no longer have spots and their winter colors have arrived. 

I'm thankful for medicine that helps me deal with the chemical imbalance I have. I'm not ashamed to have to take medicine to keep me even keeled.

I love to see deer grooming and caring for each other. This doe was licking her fawn, while the other was close by.
Recently a woman shared that her granddaughter and her recently talked about all the people they love. I liked that. I'm hoping to spend time remembering and being thankful for those who bring me happiness. Especially with November arriving this coming week.

It's time for the perfect "Son"shine to take control of my life again. I think I've weathered these maladies long enough! Away emotional upset! Away depression! I'm truly a fortunate girl!

This big guy came by last evening checking out the doe in the area. Both doe and fawn were at the feeder but went a running as Mr. Buck drew near. We hadn't seen a big buck in a long time, so we both enjoyed watching him check out the area. Alas, there was no corn in the trough. He didn't stay long.

I want to close October out with renewed hope and thanksgiving in November. Just sitting here typing it out has already done my heart good. If you need a little hope to help you through, maybe these words will be what you need to push forward!

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." 
Psalm 71:14

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...