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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September News

Greetings from NW Pennsylvania, the new frontier for this girl.

The day of the eclipse I went out back to sit on the deck. When I looked up I found this stunning display of patchwork. It was mesmerizing. I grabbed my camera to get this snap. What a lovely display of clouds. Don't know if it actually has a name for it, but I loved looking at.

Charms.  Jelly Rolls. Layer Cakes. Fat Eighth Quarters. Fat Quarter Bundle. The new terms I've learned as I become acquainted with making quilts. Those names are how bundles of fabric are sold for quilt making. I've often seen these bundles in stores, but didn't really think much about them.

Quilting made easy. There's anywhere from 20 to 60 pieces of fabric in these bundles, all different designs but in similar shades, to make quilts. And now I've purchased some.

This is my very first created quilt project! I wanted to make a decorative piece out of the Hope fabric I purchased years ago from the Longaberger Company. My friend, Gail, helped me make many small pillows to give to those going through cancer treatments with this material. And I hope to make many more. I am so pleased with my first creation! A sales woman at the quilt shop just down the road helped me pick out the other two colors. A few little mistakes here and there, but overall I'm very happy with this first creation.

In my last post I mentioned the Quilt Ladies at my church, and the inspiration I've received as I helped with the quilt blankets. Two of the ladies sew the squares together, and another lady puts the batting, backing and trim on the blankets. At the gathering we all tie knots to help keep the batting in place. I've now been asked to help with attaching the batting, backing and trim work. It's nice to be needed

One of the quilt ladies tying knots to a blanket, and a new friendly acquaintance!

Tying knots doesn't sound exciting? Well, maybe not, but it was enough to inspire me to discover a new creative outlet, and give me time with other ladies. And I desperately needed that.

One Saturday morning I ventured farther north to the southern tip of the Alleghany National Forest on my early morning drive. A new road to explore through forestland with the occasional house and cabins. Many are hunting cabins and vacant. Quiet roads, no vehicles. Only deer, rabbit and squirrel were out and about. And I'm sure there were a bear or two that I didn't see.

I love this snap I got at sunrise. The sky was beautiful that morning, and having the deer at the tree was special.

I've enjoyed driving in the Alleghany National Forest and hope to spend many more hours on the roads. One of the best things about my new home is the driving around. There just isn't any traffic. I can drive an hour or two without one car coming up behind me. And most of the time when a car does come up behind, they stay a reasonable distance away.

I like the Joe Pye Weed that's everywhere along the roadside.

Wildflowers bloom all over. This snap is of the Clarion River in Clear Creek State Park. I've loved the summer wildflowers in the area.

I spotted the first leaves changing the last week of August, both on the road and in the back yard. It is a welcome sight to see. Sweatshirts are already out. I anticipate the beauty yet to come.

The summer has found a family of deer who visit our back yard for corn. I was able to watch two fawn with the 4 to 6 doe that come around. It was good to see them.

I'm excited about my next quilt project I'm creating out of the fabric below. I was hoping to make a trip to Lancaster to my favorite quilt shop, but have decided to try my hand in designing and sewing. This next one is going to be 40 x 40, a bite bigger than my first created attempt. All squares at this point. Triangles and other designs will come much later when I'm more experienced at making quilts.

I'm experiencing a new practice at our new church home. A Prayer and Praise book is put out each Sunday morning for the fellowship to write down prayer requests and praises. During the worship service, about 10 minutes or so is given to reading the entries in the book and taking requests from the floor. I'd never experienced this during a Sunday morning worship service, but have come to appreciate the personal touch of including all member's needs and praises. A woman writes down each request, and at the end of this time she prays for everything that was mentioned. It is a very personal touch. I like that.

I have been given the responsibility of taking the Prayer and Praise book home and typing up the requests and sending them to the two pastors and the elders on Monday mornings. Just one little duty that helps me fit into the new church.

I am so thankful the tide has turned, and I'm feeling accepted and hopeful. It's not an easy thing to leave all your friends, support, church, surroundings and where you've lived for all your life (up to this point of course).

In the last week I've learned that two friends will be moving to new frontiers. I can thankfully say to them, "You'll Survive!"

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."
Psalm 71:14

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...